Set up clinical dashboards

The clinical dashboard allows you to view and track your patients' health by displaying a summary of key measures.

If you are recording your patients' data using clinical templates, clinical tools or clinical questions, you can add these as trackers on the clinical dashboard. This creates a snapshot of your patients' health on any given date, monitoring their progress.


Some examples of what a clinical dashboard can do:

  • Track numeric patient data over time (e.g. glucose level, pulse rate, blood pressure)

  • Visualise tracked data through graphs and tables

  • Track scores calculated from clinical tools / questionnaires

  • View patient history of information you regularly record (e.g. weight, mood, pain areas)

  • Set goals for tracked measures (e.g. body mass index, hemoglobin level)

  • Track patient prescription history


To use clinical dashboard, you must have clinical templates or tools imported or set up for your practice. You'll be using these to collect the patient health data you want to track on the dashboard.

Set up your clinical dashboard template

Practice groups can set up a default dashboard template for all group users, but practitioners can also set up their own dashboard template to suit their needs or preference.

To set up a dashboard template, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Settings > Clinical, then click the Dashboard tab.

  2. Open the dashboard template you want to set up.

    • For the group's default dashboard: Under the Group Dashboard section, click Edit dashboard.

    • For an individual practitioner: Under Practitioner Dashboards section, next to the practitioner name, click the Icon-Plus.svg plus icon (to create a new template) or Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon (to edit an existing template).

  3. For Dashboard Name, enter a name for the dashboard.

  4. Add the patient data you want to view and track in the dashboard.

    • Question Tracker: Click Add question tracker and select the clinical question with the numeric data answers you want to track. Example: Add a specific question/field from a form or clinical tool you currently use. This can be Weight, BMI, Cholesterol Level, Pain Level, etc.)

    • Template Tracker: Click Add template tracker and select the name of the clinical template or tools you want to track. Example: Add a questionnaire your patient regularly answers to view the progress of their scores over time. You can also use this to track your patients' prescription history.

  5. (Optional) For Goal, select if you want to enable a goal for trackers in patient dashboards.

    • None: Do not set or display a goal for this tracker.

    • Individual: Set and display an individual goal value for each patient.

    • Global: Set and display the same goal value for all patients. (You may still change goals for individual patients in their dashboards, if needed.)

  6. Click Save.

Whenever you record data using the clinical questions and clinical tools you set as trackers, the recorded data automatically appears in the clinical dashboard on the patient's profile.


To revert a practitioner back to using the group's dashboard, click the Icon-Bin.svg bin icon beside their name to delete the practitioner's individual dashboard template.

View a patient's clinical dashboard

To access the patient's dashboard, open the patient profile and click the Clinical Dashboard tab.


Additional options:

  • Click Add goal to set a goal for a tracker. (Optional: You can also add a target date for goals.)

  • View a graph of any data point's progress by clicking the Icon-Graph.svg graph icon beside it.

  • View details of any data point by hovering your mouse over it.

  • Hide or show graph lines by clicking any line in the bottom of the graph.


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