Customise your clinical note letterhead

Halaxy provides a default header and footer template that automatically applies to all clinical notes, which includes your name, practice name, practice location, phone number and email address. Clinical letterheads are displayed when you print, email or fax clinical notes.

You can create and customise letterhead templates for any purpose to your specifications, such as adding a logo or provider number. Custom letterhead templates can be created for the entire practice group, locations or individual practitioners.


Invoices can also have custom invoice letterheads for each location, which include an additional Notes section displayed at the end of invoices. If you don't have invoice letterheads set up, the most recent clinical letterhead with the most relevant Level setting applies to your invoices.

Customise your clinical note header and footer

  1. Click Settings > General.

  2. Under the Template Settings section, next to Clinical letterhead templates, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon.

  3. Click New Letterhead to create a new letterhead template, or select a letterhead template from the list to edit.

  4. In the letterhead template editor, configure the following:

    • Template Name: Enter a name for your letterhead template.

    • Level: Select the level you are creating this template for, then (if applicable) select your location or practitioner specifications. (Note: Any level can have multiple letterhead templates, however your letterhead list must always have at least one template at the Group level.)

    • Status: Active templates are available for selection, while Archived templates cannot be selected.

    • Header / Footer: Enter the content for your header and footer. You can add dynamic terms to personalise the template to any practitioner using it.

    • Header height: Enter the height for your header, starting from the top edge of the page.

    • Footer height: Enter the height for your footer, starting from the bottom edge of the page.

  5. To preview your letterhead template, click Preview at the bottom of the page.

  6. Click Save.

Your letterhead template is now ready to be selected when you print, email or fax a clinical note.


Select a clinical letterhead template

  • Print

    1. Open the clinical note.

    2. In the toolbar in the top right, click the Icon-Printer.svg printer icon.

    3. In the pop-up, for Letterhead Template, select the letterhead you want to use.

  • Email

    1. Open the clinical note.

    2. In the toolbar in the top right, click the Icon-Mail.svg envelope icon.

    3. In the pop-up, for Letterhead Template, select the letterhead you want to use.

  • Fax

    1. Open the clinical note.

    2. In the toolbar in the top right, click the Icon-Fax.svg fax icon.

    3. In the pop-up, for Letterhead Template, select the letterhead you want to use.



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