Subscribe for a dedicated phone number

Who can do this?

With a dedicated phone number, your calls and messages made in Halaxy come from the same number every time you contact your patients. This ensures that recipients can easily identify you and always recognise your practice. You can buy a dedicated number for the practice group or an individual practitioner.

A dedicated phone number is required for:

A dedicated phone number requires a monthly subscription and costs 50 credits per month. You can cancel your subscription any time. Dedicated numbers are assigned randomly on subscription and cannot be chosen.


A dedicated number only makes outbound calls but does not receive inbound calls. Patients can send SMS messages to the dedicated number but are unable to call it.

Subscribe for a dedicated mobile number

  1. Click Settings > Reminders.

  2. Under the practice group setting or practitioner setting, click Buy Number.

  3. In the pop-up, click Purchase. (Note: This button is labeled Activate if you are renewing a lapsed subscription.)

Your dedicated number subscription is now active and ready for use.

Find your dedicated phone number

  1. Click Settings > Reminders.

  2. Your dedicated number is listed in the Preferences section.


Cancel your dedicated number subscription

  1. Click Settings > Reminders.

  2. Under the practice group setting or practitioner setting, next to Dedicated Number, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon.

  3. In the Edit Subscription Settings pop-up, select one:

    • Cancel on expiry: End your subscription at the end of the current subscription month.

    • Cancel now: End your subscription immediately.

  4. Click Save.

Your subscription cancels according to your specifications. You can reactivate your subscription at any time.


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