Create an invoice

In Halaxy, creating an appointment with a fee automatically generates an invoice for you. When needed, you can also create manual invoices not linked to a calendar appointment for patients and organisations.

Invoices can be edited, deleted, customised, printed, and sent. Payments and claims can also be processed straight from an invoice in just a few clicks or automatically at a schedule of your choosing. You can customise your invoice letterhead template and set your invoice preferences so your invoices always display the information you need the way you want.

With invoicing, Halaxy does all the work for you, saving you significant time and streamlining your practice.


Halaxy allows you to bill and send invoices to third-party organisations (such as an employer or health fund) instead of the listed patient.


Getting inquiries on the treatment and services you provide? You can first create a quote, which can later be converted into an invoice.

Automatically create an invoice

  1. On the calendar, click a timeslot on the date you want.

  2. In the Appointment Panel, add a patient and a fee, then click Save. (Note: You can create new patients and fees, or select existing ones.)

  3. Click the Invoice link to view the invoice for this appointment.

Your invoice automatically includes your information, the patient's stored information and the appointment fees. You can also process payments straight from the invoice.

Put simply, every time you create an appointment and add a fee, an invoice for that appointment is automatically created for you, complete with both practitioner and patient information.


Say goodbye to repetitive data entry! By saving your practitioner identification and the patient's claim details under the funder, the correct information automatically appears on your invoice based on the fee you add.

Manually create an invoice

If you want to create an invoice that is not linked to an appointment, you can opt to create a manual invoice.

  • Invoices list

    1. Click Finances > Invoices.

    2. In the top right, click New Invoice.

  • Patient profile

    1. Go to the patient's profile.

    2. Click the Invoices tab.

    3. In the top right, click New Invoice.

  • Organisation profile

    1. Click Contacts > Organisations.

    2. In the list, click the organisation you want to invoice.

    3. In the top right, click New Invoice.


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