Create an electronic prescription (e-script)

Who can do this?

With telehealth on the rise, it's important for patients to have digital access to their medical needs, including prescriptions. Halaxy now allows medical practitioners and providers to quickly issue secure paperless prescriptions straight to the patient (or a patient's nominated recipient) via SMS or email, which they can then present to any pharmacy.

E-scripts save you the hassle of writing, printing, or mailing prescriptions - giving you more time to treat your patients.

Publishing an e-script in Halaxy costs 1 credit per drug.

The process comes in two parts:


Creating prescriptions in Halaxy comes with Real Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM), helping reduce the misuse of controlled medicines. When you add a drug to a prescription that is monitored in your state, Halaxy automatically checks the Australian national data exchange and notifies you immediately about whether your patient has a relevant medication history.


For the security of all users and the integration of our health system, practitioners must first follow a few set up requirements to be able to issue electronic scripts.

Video Tutorial


Want to track patient prescriptions in your practice? Run a Prescription report!

Create the prescription

  1. In the patient's clinical note, click Add Order.

  2. In the window, fill out the following details:

    • For Order type, select Prescription.

    • Select the Ordering practitioner.

    • Enter the Order date and time.

  3. Click Create.

  4. You are taken back to the Clinical Notes screen where your new prescription record is created. Under the List of Drugs, click the Add a drug button.

  5. In the Add New Drug window, fill out the following details:

    • Prescribe as: Select PBS/RPBS (if subsidised by Medicare/DVA) or Private.

    • Drug name and strength: Search for the drug name and strength needed. For PBS/RPBS drugs, you must selected the specific PBS item needed.

    • Directions for use: Complete either section A or section B. If you are filling out section A, you must complete all the fields.

    • Repeats and quantity: Repeats and dispense quantity are required fields.

    • Prescription notes: Complete as needed. Depending on the drug prescribed, some fields in this section may be mandatory.

  6. Click Save.

Your prescription is now ready to be published.

Publish and send an electronic prescription (e-script)

  1. On the upper right corner, next to the Edit button, select the down arrow button.

  2. Click Publish, then Continue.

  3. A window popup appears asking for your prescription type. Select Electronic.

  4. Before publishing to eRx, you can then review all the prescription details in the pop-up, including prescriber details and patient details.

  5. Fill in the token receipt details, which specifies who is receiving the electronic prescription and how they are receiving it.

    • Set the recipient to the patient or to a nominated guardian or caregiver.

    • Select whether the recipient is receiving the prescription via SMS or email.

  6. Review the prescription items.

  7. (Optional) Tick the Send via Evermed checkbox to enable Evermed to send the script to the patient, where they can seamlessly purchase and order delivery for their medication. There is no extra charge to send the e-script via Evermed.

  8. To finalise, confirm your password (and make sure you have Halaxy credits), then click Publish. (This button will only be enabled when token receipt details are filled, and password is confirmed.)

  9. The prescription has now been published and sent to the patient.

After publishing, you are directed back to the Clinical Notes screen, where you can review the published prescription.

Options from here include:

  • Print Evidence: lets you print the prescription details with the QR code

  • View eRx Transaction History: shows all the activity for the prescription, if it was published successfully, reissued, or cancelled/ceased

  • Reissue (Practitioners only)

  • Cancel / Cease (Practitioners only)


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