With Halaxy, you have access to hundreds of preset fees that you can import for your practice's appointments and billing.
Your preset fee preferences allow you to control and manage who can import preset fees, and which preset fees can be imported.
Example of preset fees available for selection when creating an appointment
Click Settings > Users.
Next to the practitioner's name, click the
first aid kit icon.
In the pop-up, under Preset Fees, configure the following:
Enable importing of preset fees: Tick this checkbox to allow this user to search and import preset fees to the practice group. When unticked, this user cannot import any preset fees.
Include preset fees for all professions: Tick this checkbox to allow this user to search and import preset fees for all professions within your practice group. When unticked, this user can only search and import preset fees relevant to their profession. (Practitioners only)
State: Select your state to filter any location-based preset fees in your country. This enables you to search and import only preset fees relevant to your state. Leave blank to include preset fees from every state.
Click Save.