Create and manage discount codes

Offering discounts is a great promotion strategy to generate revenue, reward existing patients and attract new patients.

You can offer unique discount codes for your patients to use when booking appointments or buying packages. Whether you are offering $100 or 25% off, discounts are fully flexible and customisable.


Example of a discount code used for an online booking payment


Processing fees for electronic payments are calculated from the discounted invoice amount.


Every invoice - including merged invoices with fees from multiple practitioners - has a main practitioner linked to it. If a discount code applies to the invoice's main practitioner, the discount applies to the entire invoice, even if the discount settings do not include the other practitioners on the invoice.

Create a discount code

  1. Click Finances > Discounts.

  2. On the top right, click New Discount.

  3. In the pop-up, configure your discount:

    • Level: Select the level where this discount will only be applicable.

    • Discount Code: Enter a unique discount code for patients to use - make it easy to remember! (Examples: CHRISTMAS25, SUMMER10)

    • Description: Enter a short description of the discount for your internal records.

    • Status: Select the validity status of this discount. (Note: Setting to Inactive makes a discount invalid even if the End Date has not yet been reached.)

    • Type: Select the method to calculate this discount then enter the discount value.

      • Fixed Amount: The discount is a set amount to be deducted from the invoice amount. (Required: Enter a minimum spend amount to ensure the discount value is not greater than the invoice amount.)

      • Percentage: The discount is a percentage of the invoice amount to be deducted. (Optional: You can set a maximum amount that can be claimed for this discount.)

    • Start Date (optional): Enter the date of the first day when the discount can be used. The discount is not valid before this date.

    • Expiry Date (optional): Enter the date of the last day when the discount can be used. The discount is not valid after this date.

  4. Click Save.

You have successfully created a discount code, which can now be applied to invoices and patients can use when booking appointments or buying packages online.


Get the word out! Launch an SMS or email campaign to promote your discount.


A discount with an Active status but is past the set expiry date is not valid.


If you are offering discount codes for your online bookings, make sure you have selected full payment or deposit for online booking payments.

Apply a discount code to an invoice

Patients can apply discount codes themselves for online bookings and packages, but you can also apply the discount codes to invoices for them.

  1. Open the invoice.

  2. Under the Payments section, click Mark as Paid.

  3. In the Method dropdown, select Add a discount.

  4. For Discount Type, select Discount code, then select the discount code to apply to the invoice. (Only active and valid discount codes are available in the dropdown.)

  5. Click Save.

The invoice shows the new total amount due, with the discount applied. You can now process the invoice payment.

To remove the discount from the invoice, click the Icon-Bin.svg bin icon beside the discount.


Discount code not applying? Check the Level in your discount settings if it applies to your invoice. The discount may only be valid for specific locations or individual practitioners.

Deactivate a discount code

When a discount code is deactivated, it can no longer be used by patients or anyone in your practice.

  1. Click Finances > Discounts.

  2. In the list, select the discount code you want to deactivate.

  3. In the pop-up, for Status, select Inactive.

  4. Click Save.

This discount code can no longer be applied to invoices.


You can only delete unused discount codes. Any discount codes that have been applied to invoices can only be deactivated.


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