Report on NDIS and third party billing

To assist with your NDIS billing, Halaxy features an NDIS bulk upload report that can be uploaded to PRODA.


This report shows invoices that have been billed to a third party (i.e. self-funded clients are not included). You can filter the report by organisation if you want to only include invoices billed to a specific organisation, such as the National Disability Insurance Agency.

The NDIS bulk upload report includes the following information:

  • The registration number used for the support (based on your NDIS provider number in the Identifications page)

  • The practitioner

  • The patient

  • NDIS claim number

  • Support number

  • Support dates

  • The claim reference with a link to the invoice

  • Quantity of the support and the hours claimed under an NDIS referrral

  • Unit price

  • GST code


If the paying organisation changes for a patient, you should archive the patient's NDIS claim in their Funding tab and use a new claim.

Run an NDIS bulk upload report

  1. Click Reports > Finance.

  2. On the top right, click New Report.

  3. For Report Type, select NDIS Bulk Upload.

  4. (Optional) To limit the report to a specific organisation (such as the National Disability Insurance Agency), select it in the Organisation field.

  5. (Optional) Set any other filters as needed.

  6. Click Run.

A report showing invoices billed to third parties will appear. You can use the Export or Print buttons to download the report. You can then upload the report to PRODA.


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