Reconcile payments in your bank account

When you receive payments processed through the Halaxy payments gateway (including BPAY), these are listed in your bank account with the prefix HX. These payments can be an invoice payment or a deposit payment.

This article helps you understand the payment records in your bank account and how to locate their source in your Halaxy records.


Payments typically reach your bank account two business days after you process them if they are processed before 8:00 pm AEST. To confirm that payments have reached your account, see our related article: Confirm your received payments

Reconcile invoice payments

When you receive a payment for an invoice, the payment will be listed in your bank records in the format HX-1234, the number being the Halaxy invoice ID. If you have set up custom invoice numbering, the record will display your custom number instead.

To find the relevant invoice for this payment, simply search the invoice ID or custom invoice number using the search bar.


The date of the invoice may not be the same date the payment appears in your bank account.


If you cannot find a matching invoice, the payment may have been processed as a deposit instead.

Reconcile batched payments

If you have set payments to be deposited to your bank account in batched deposits, you receive a single deposit for all invoice payments processed each day. The payment will be listed in your bank records indicating the deposit date in the format HX-YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. HX-2023-03-29).

Reconcile deposit payments

A deposit is a payment from a patient or organisation that is not linked to a specific invoice. Deposits are stored in patient or organisation profiles as a fee balance, which can later be used for payment.

When you receive a deposit payment, the payment will be listed in your bank records in the format HX-125D, the number being the patient or organisation ID with the letter D as a suffix.

To locate the deposit payer on Halaxy, simply search the patient or organisation number using the search bar to look up their profile, where you can also find their current fee balance.


When you add deposits to a patient or organisation profile, make sure to select the practitioner or location according to your auto payment deposit preferences.


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