Create a quote

As a healthcare practitioner, you may sometimes receive inquiries about the treatments or services you provide, and you may sometimes need to provide a patient or funding body with an estimate of costs of treatment. You can create a quote, which can later be finalised and converted into an invoice if the recipient decides to follow through with the treatment or service.

Quotes are created from and located in the Invoices list.


If the intended recipient Halaxy doesn’t have a profile yet, you need to create a profile for them first to be able to create a quote for them. All you need is their full name and email address.

Create a quote

  1. Click Finances > Invoices.

  2. At the top-right, click New Invoice.

  3. In the pop-up, configure the following settings:

    • Practitioner and Location: Select the practitioner and location this quote (and if converted, the invoice) will be linked to.

    • Invoice Type: Select Quote.

    • Recipient: Select whether you are preparing the quote for a patient or organisation.

    • Patient / Organisation: Select the patient or organisation to send this quote.

  4. Click Save.

You have successfully created a quote. Add fees and discounts as needed, just like an invoice. From here, you can print or email the quote to the recipient.



Pro-rata fees cannot be added to a quote, as pro-rata fees are based on the duration of a session. If there is no appointment linked to the quote, the fee will appear as $0.00. Ensure that fees added to quotes are "Appointment" or "Item"-based fees.


Create a communication template to standardise your emails when sending quotes for inquiries.

Convert a quote into an invoice

If the patient or organisation follows through and does receive the treatment or service you outlined in the quote, you can quickly convert the quote into an invoice.

  1. Click Finances > Invoices and click the relevant quote.

  2. At the top-right, click Finalise.

  3. The quote is converted into an invoice.


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