Send an invoice

Sending invoices is an essential task for any healthcare practice, which is why Halaxy offers automatic or manual sending through email or SMS. Let Halaxy do the work for you and you’ll never miss sending an invoice.

There are 3 ways to send invoices through Halaxy:

  • Automatically send unpaid invoices on a set due date (email only)): This is recommended for requesting payments as you can insert a payment link for patients or organisations to send payment online.

  • Automatically send paid invoices after full payment (email only): This is recommended for sending an invoice copy to patients or organisations, indicating that the invoice is fully paid.

  • Manually email an invoice (email and SMS): If you only need to send one invoice as needed, paid or unpaid, you can email or SMS invoices manually.

For instructions on how to set these up, click the sections below.


If you want to customise and personalise the content of your invoice emails, see our article on setting up templates for invoice emails.

Automatically email unpaid invoices on a set due date

Let Halaxy chase up payments for you by automating the sending of unpaid invoices. This feature is available for email only.

  1. First, you need to create the email template. Click Settings > General. Under the Clinical Settings section, next to Communication templates, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon.

  2. In the top right, click Add Email. Create an email communication template advising patients that their invoice is due. Insert the [Invoice Due Date] and [Payment Link] dynamic terms into the template, which automatically populate each email with the corresponding due date and secure link for recipients to pay. Click Save when finished.

  3. Next, you must set the due date on when to automatically send the invoice emails. Click Settings > Payments. Under the Invoice Due Date section, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon for the level you wish to edit. (To create a new due date setting, click Add New.)

  4. In the pop-up, set your invoice due date and configure the following settings:

    • Invoice Due Date: Select Enabled.

    • Default Due Date: Set the time period after the invoice date you wish to make it due. (To make the invoice due date the same as its issue date, set this period to 0 days.)

    • Send on Due Date: Select Enabled to automatically send invoices on the set due date.

    • Payer: Select which invoices to automatically send on due date.

    • Exclude fees (optional): Any due invoices containing these selected fees will not be automatically sent.

    • Communication template (optional): Select the communication template you created in Step 2 as the content for the email.

  5. Click Save.

Your selected unpaid invoices now automatically send on your set invoice due date. When the email is sent to recipients, the invoice is attached in the email.


If invoices are due on the same day they are issued (you have set invoices to be due 0 days after the invoice date), please allow up to a few hours following the appointment for the invoice to be emailed.

Due invoices are emailed every day by our mail server. Only invoices due each day are emailed; invoices with a due date earlier than 24 hours ago are not automatically emailed. This is a precaution so that you do not automatically email all your previous unsent invoices.

Automatically send paid invoices after full payment

You can set up your invoice automation settings to automatically send paid invoices to a patient or organisation after full payment is made. This feature is available for email only.

  1. Click Settings > Payments.

  2. Under the Invoice Automation section, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon for the level you want to set automation for. (If you are creating a new automation setting, click Add New.)

  3. For Email paid invoices automatically: Select Automatic.

  4. Configure any other settings to your requirements. (Note: The Funder rebates setting applies only to invoices with rebates. If your invoice does not have a rebate, it is still automatically sent.)

  5. Click Save.


Invoice automation uses the default email templates, which are set and can be customised in the Reminder templates (Settings > Reminders). There are separate default templates for invoice emails sent to patients and to organisations.

Manually send an invoice

For control and flexibility, send your invoices out when needed. This feature is available for both email and SMS.

  1. Open the invoice.

  2. In the top right, click the Icon-Send.svg paper plane icon.

  3. In the Send Invoice pop-up, click the Email or SMS tab for how you want to send the invoice. (For emails, the invoice is automatically attached as a PDF. For SMS, the recipient receives a link to an online invoice summary.)

  4. Configure the rest of the form to your requirements.


    Examples of sending an invoice by email or SMS (click to expand images)

  5. Click Send.


For emails, the message content automatically uses the the default invoice email template (from Settings > Reminders). You can replace this content by using the editor, or selecting another template in the Communication Template dropdown (which you can create in communication templates).


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