Register for claims processing (Medicare, bulk bill, DVA, ECLIPSE)

Medicare is the central component in the Australian healthcare system. With Halaxy, Medicare Online claims processing is fully integrated, allowing practitioners to digitally submit claims to Medicare straight from an invoice.

To enable online claims processing in Halaxy, you must have a registered Medicare Location ID. When registered, you'll be able to quickly process:


To register a Medicare Location ID, these are the three basic steps to follow:

  1. Request a Medicare Location ID.

    This ID allows Medicare to identify your practice location as a Halaxy software user, so they can enable online rebates processing for that location. This ID is generated by Halaxy and comes in the format CLK#####.

  2. Submit required registration forms to Medicare.

    This agreement requests Medicare to link your provider number and your location's designated bank account (to receive practitioner rebates) to the Medicare Location ID.

  3. Complete the activation request with Halaxy.

    This informs Halaxy that you've submitted your registration form to Medicare. Halaxy activates your Medicare Location ID, then Medicare completes the registration.

After your Medicare Location ID is activated, you can begin processing Medicare patient rebates, bulk billing or DVA claims Halaxy for your registered location.

For ECLIPSE, there are additional steps to set up your practice for lodging ECLIPSE claims. See our compete guide: Set up ECLIPSE online claiming


Medicare Location ID may also be referred to in Medicare forms as the term Minor ID. These both refer to the same CLK identification number.


Once you're all set up, you can also set up automated rebates processing for an entirely hands-off approach.

Video tutorial

Register a Medicare Location ID for online claims

Follow these instructions for how to set up a Medicare Location ID to process online claims for your practice locations.

Register multiple practice locations

If you are processing claims at multiple practice locations:


The HW029 form allows you to register up to three locations. If you have more than three locations, you may submit the form multiple times.

Register multiple practitioners at one location

Depending on how your practice operates, there are two ways to set up online claims processing for multiple practitioners at a single location.

  • Register only one provider number for all practitioners

    This is recommended if the registering practitioner is the practice owner or any practitioner who will be with the practice location indefinitely/permanently. This is because their provider number will be linked to the Medicare Location ID and the bank account to receive bulk bill and DVA rebates.

    To do this, follow the steps below:

    1. One practitioner follows the three-step setup process.

    2. After Medicare completes the registration, all practitioners at that location must add the registering practitioner's provider number in Halaxy as their payee provider number for Medicare.

    3. Once these are completed, practitioners can begin processing claims from any invoice on Halaxy.

    This way, you won't have to require each practitioner to register their provider number and Location ID with Medicare. Related article: Add a Medicare payee provider number

  • Register every practitioner provider number

    This is recommended if you practice prefers to link multiple provider number to the Medicare Location ID. If any practitioner leaves the practice, all other practitioners can still process claims online as they are individually registered to the Medicare Location ID.

    To do this, follow the steps below:

    1. One practitioner follows the three-step setup process.

    2. For the registration form step, there are two options:

    3. Once the registration has been completed by Medicare, all registered practitioners can begin processing claims on Halaxy.


    Even if multiple practitioners are registered for online claims processing at one location, all practitioner rebates will be deposited to the bank account registered in the submitted form.

Guide to the Online Claiming Provider Agreement (HW027) form

Here are some helpful tips for filling out the registration form.

  • Page 1 and Page 2

    • Your name: Enter your full name that is registered with AHPRA.

    • Medicare provider number: This should be 8 characters long, made up of digits and letters. If your provider number is 7 digits long, add a 0 at the start.

    • Registration (RA) number: Write N/A or leave blank.

    • PKI registration number: Write N/A or leave this field blank.

    • Terms and conditions: Read these on page 1 and 2, and contact Medicare on 132 150 if you have any questions.

  • Page 3

    • Minor ID (Medicare Location ID): The unique identifier generated by Halaxy that Medicare uses to identify your practice location from the software.

    • Practice name: If you operate as a sole practitioner in your own name, use your own name.

    • Practice address: This is your practice location address, not your home address (unless your practice is located in your home).

    • Practice contact name: You can enter your name, the practice owner's name, or the main reception staff.

    • Account number: This can include up to 9 digits. If your account number is 6 digits long, write it with 3 space free. Medicare only deposits to transaction/debit accounts; it does not deposit to credit cards.

    • Account name: The practice location's account - there's no need to set up a separate account for this purpose.

    • Checkbox: Tick only Medicare bulk bill/Department of Veterans' Affairs claims. Do not tick Australian Childhood Immunisation Register claims.

  • Extra tips

    • To avoid confusion, when writing down numbers, write the number zero with a line strike through it and the number 1 as it appears in computer print.

    • You do not need to link your account or provider number through PRODA. Halaxy can do this on your behalf as part of the registration process.

    • You do not need to obtain and install a PKI Site Certificate. Leave the PKI registration number field blank or write N/A.

    • You can post, fax or email the form to Medicare at the contact details shown on page 1.

    • You can contact Medicare at any time for help in completing the form at 132 150.


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