As every practice is different, Halaxy provides preferences options on what information to show in your invoices and how to display them. These options include:
Default invoice issuer
Patient date of birth
Appointment time
Appointment duration
Appointment status
Next appointment details
Fee breakdown columns (amount, tax, total)
Tax label
Practitioner pronouns
Your saved invoice template preferences apply to all invoices for all practitioners within your practice group - except custom invoice numbering, which applies only to new invoices.
Click Settings > Payments.
Under the Invoice Template Preferences section, click Edit.
In the pop-up, configure the following settings:
Invoice number setting: Select custom invoice numbering to add your own prefix and suffix for invoice numbers and to select the next available number, or use the default Halaxy numbering.
Default Invoice Issuer: Select the default biller for invoices. This can be set to either the practitioner or location from when invoices are first created.
Display date of birth: Show or hide the patient's date of birth. This includes additional options to show the patient's age next to the DOB.
Display next appointment: Show or hide the time and date of the patient's next visible appointment (subject to user access control). If the next appointment is with a different practitioner, this is indicated, and the next appointment with the same practitioner is also shown.
Display appointment time: Show or hide the appointment time for each fee.
Display appointment duration: Show or hide the total appointment duration (in minutes or hours) for each fee. For pro rata fees, duration is always shown.
Display appointment status: Show or hide the patient's appointment status (attended, cancelled, etc.) on the invoice line.
Price breakdown: Select which price columns you would like to show on the invoice.
Tax label: The terminology referring to the tax amount.
Display pronouns: Show or hide practitioner pronouns on invoices.
Invoice terminology: Set the terminology and label for invoices in your practice. If you select any of the options that include Receipt, the label on the invoice automatically changes to your selected Receipt option when the invoice is fully paid. Your terminology reflects all throughout Halaxy for all users in your practice group.
Click Save.