Guide to third party billing

If a patient's treatment is paid for by an organisation (such as an employer or a funding body) instead of the listed patient, you can set up third party billing so your invoices are automatically billed correctly.


Patient names can be anonymised on third party invoices. This can be enabled in the individual patient's claim details.


A third party is an organisation who pays for a patient's treatment instead of the patient themselves.

By setting up third party billing, you can automate your invoicing while maintaining flexibility over differing paying organisations.


GIF: 1) Practitioner treats the patient, 2) Practitioner invoices the third party, 3) The third party pays for the patient's treatment

There are four elements to set up in Halaxy for third party billing:

  1. Funder: When you create a third party funder, you must select the correct funder type because this determines the default settings for who is billed, how claims work for the funder, how information appears on invoices.

  2. Fees: You must set up specific third party fees linked to the funder to use in appointments.

  3. Patient's claim information: You must have the patient's correct claim information under this funder in the Funding tab of their profile.

  4. Paying organisation: You must ensure that the paying organisation's details are correct.

When you have set up these four elements, you can simply manage your calendar as usual and the invoices are automatically billed to the appropriate third party.

Set up third party billing

To demonstrate how to set up third party billing, we are using the following example.

Example: Alex is a sports physician who treats student athletes at different universities. The treatments are fully paid for by the students' respective universities. In this example, the university is the paying organisation (third party). Because the students come from different universities, the paying organisation is not always the same in the invoice. With Halaxy, Alex can use third party billing so her invoices automatically bill the correct universities for each student without needing to manually enter information in every invoice.

Select the tabs below for complete step-by-step instructions.


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