Whenever you process electronic payments in Halaxy, you can choose to pay the processing fee yourself, or you can pass on a partial or the entire fee amount to the patient or organisation. Your choice of fee allocation can be set at every payment, but you can also configure a default allocation setting so you don’t have to set it every time.
Fee allocation settings can be configured for a practice group, location, or individual practitioner, giving you added flexibility and control over your payments.
Click Settings > Payments.
Under the Deposits section, click the pencil icon for the group, location or practitioner you wish to change settings for.
Under Processing Fee Settings, configure the following:
For Allocated to, select one of the following options:
Practice: Processing fees are absorbed by the practitioner.
Optional: Processing fee allocation will be set during payment processing. (Note: For invoice payment links and automatically scheduled payments, fees are paid by the practice.)
Invoice payer: Processing fees are paid by the patient or organisation billed on the invoice, with the fee indicated for the payer during the payment process.
If you selected Optional or Invoice payer, set the Amount to be assigned:
Percentage: Passes a set portion of the processing fee onto the payer. Set the percentage fee to 100% to pass on the full amount.
Fixed: Passes a fixed amount onto the payer. The fixed fee entered is used only if it is less than the total processing fee.
For Remittance method, select how you want to remit processing fees to Halaxy:
Deduct from payments: The processing fees are withheld from payments deposited to your bank account.
Charge to credit card: After the full invoice payments (including any processing fees paid by patients) are deposited to your bank account, the processing fees are charged at end of day as an expense to your group's credit card.
Click Save.