Guide to Halaxy payment processing fees

Disclaimer: These rates are accurate as of the published date, but may be subject to change.

Every time you are paid through Halaxy electronic payments, the transaction incurs a processing fee. You can choose to pass on processing fees to the payer or deduct them from payments made to you.


Processing fees are charged only for successful transactions.

Your processing fee rate (Australia)

Payment Band


Volume Processed (past 90 days)


1.90% + $1.00

$0.00 - $49,999.99


1.80% + $0.75

$50,000.00 - $74,999.99



$75,000.00 - $99,999.99




Fees are in AUD and inclusive of GST

Silver, Gold and Platinum payment bands include free subscriptions for two-way calendar sync, custom name or dedicated number add-ons. (You must remain in these payments bands to maintain the free subscription.)

BPAY payment processing fees count towards your payment band calculation.

International processing fee rates




3.5% + CAD 1.00

Hong Kong

3.8% + HKD 5.00


1.99% + €0.50

New Zealand

3.5% + NZD 1.00


4% + SGD 1.00

United Kingdom (UK)

1.99% + £1.00

United States (USA)

3.5% + USD 1.00

Pass on processing fees to payers

  1. Click Settings > Payments.

  2. Under the Deposits section, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon for the group, location or practitioner you wish to change settings for.

  3. Under Processing Fee Settings, configure the following:

    • For Allocated to, select Invoice payer.

    • If you selected Optional or Invoice payer, set the Amount to be assigned:

      • Percentage: Passes a set portion of the processing fee onto the payer. Set the percentage fee to 100% to pass on the full amount.

      • Fixed: Passes a fixed amount onto the payer. The fixed fee entered is used only if it is less than the total processing fee.

    • For Remittance method, select how you want to pay processing fees to Halaxy:

      • Deduct from payments: Processing fees are automatically deducted before the payment reaches your bank account.

      • Charge to credit card: After you receive full payment amounts in your bank account, processing fees are charged to your credit card as an expense.

  4. Click Save.

How processing fees are calculated

Example: The patient's appointment costs $100 and your processing fee rate is 1.5% + $1.

Charged to

How processing fee is calculated



The amount paid to you is the full $100, after the processing fee is deducted.

Amount charged - (Amount charged X 0.015) - $1$100 paid to you

Amount charged = paid by invoice payer


The amount paid to you is $100 minus the processing fee.

$100 - ($100 X 0.015) - $1 = Amount paid to you


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