Set up recurring expenses

Any existing expense in Halaxy can be set to repeat on a regular basis. This is useful for tracking regular expenses, such as rent or utilities.

Set expenses to repeat

  1. Click Finances > Expenses, then add an expense.

  2. After saving, click the expense from the list to open it.

  3. In the bottom right, click Create as recurring expense.

  4. Under the Expense Details section, enter the Start Date for the first instance of payment.

  5. Under the Recurring Schedule section, enter the schedule you want the expense to repeat. (Optional: You can also enter an end date if the payments are set for a specific span of time.)

  6. Click Save.

The recurring expense is saved to your expenses list and shown under the Type column as Recurring. The expense is debited according to the schedule you set.

Modify a recurring expense

You can edit the schedule and frequency of your recurring expense, which also includes the option to stop it.

  1. Click Finances > Expenses.

  2. In the list, click the recurring expense you want to edit.

  3. In the bottom right, click Modify recurring expense.

  4. When the Recurring Schedule section appears, you can edit the frequency of the expense.

  5. (Optional) To stop the recurring expense, under Ends, enter the date to end the schedule.

  6. Click Save.


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