Organisation profiles can store their own printing templates, which is handy when you have partner laboratories that have their own order forms. When you print an order request (such as imaging or pathology requests), the printing template places the clinical order details according to the layout of the order form.
Instead of writing, printing directly onto order forms can significantly speed up clinical tasks and reduce errors.
Some preset organisations already have their own printing templates included. For these, you won't need to create a printing template and can go straight to printing.
Click Contacts > Organisations.
In this list, click the name of the organisation.
In the organisation profile, next to Print Settings, click Create. (If a template already exists, you can click the name to edit it.)
In the printing template editor, configure the following:
Title: Enter a name for your printing template.
Status: Select active to make this template available for selection when printing. Select inactive to remove it from selection.
Size: Select the paper size of the order form that you are printing on.
Template: Select Pathology Order Form or Clinical Imaging Order Form. (If these are not available for selection yet, create an order request for any patient. You cannot change this option after saving.)
Click Save.
After your printing template is created, you can begin adding data elements to include in prints. There are two ways to do this:
To create your print template from scratch:
Under Data Elements, click Add New.
In the new line added, select the data element to include in the print template.
Repeat for every data element you need to print on the order request form. (To remove a data element, click the
red X icon next to it.)
To use an existing template as a starting point:
Click Import Data Elements.
In the pop-up, select the print template you want to import elements from. (You can select one and leave the other dropdown blank. If you select a template in both dropdowns, all data elements from each will be imported, including any duplicates.)
Default printing template: Import the data elements from Halaxy's default order form.
Printing template: Import data elements from an existing printing template.
(Optional) Tick the Replace existing elements checkbox to overwrite any data elements you currently have in your printing template.
Click Add Data Elements. The data elements are imported to your printing template.
After adding all the necessary data elements, set their position and size properties on the page:
An example of how the data element's position and size properties are applied when printed
Top: The distance from the top edge of the page.
Left: The distance from the left edge of the page.
Width: The width of the data element text box.
Height: The height of the data element text box.
Click Save.
Your printing template is saved and ready for use when printing clinical orders.
Do some test prints with the organisation's order forms to make sure your printing template is placing the data elements on the form accurately.
If the data element position (top and left) and size (width and height) properties are in percentage form, this is always in relation to the width and height of the page.
Create a clinical order for imaging or pathology. (For Laboratory, enter the name of the organisation where you are sending an order request.)
When your clinical order is ready, click the down arrow and select Publish & Print.
In the pop-up, select the printing template to use, then click Publish & Print.
The clinical order in the printing template layout opens in a new window. Right-click on the screen and click Print.
In the pop-up, select your printer, then click Print.
Before you print a clinical order, make sure you have the correct order form in your printer's paper tray.