Set up a patient care team

A care team is comprised of healthcare professionals outside of your practice who are also treating your patient. Some examples include (but are not limited to) a patient's psychologist, fitness trainer, dietitian, or occupational therapist. Having your patient's care team stored on their profile allows you to easily contact them, if necessary.

Professional contacts and organisation contacts can be added as care team members to patient profiles, and can be members of multiple care teams.


Image: An example of a care team on a patient's profile

Add a patient care team member

  1. Open the patient profile.

  2. Under the Care Team section, click Add care team member.

  3. In the pop-up, configure the following:

    • Contact Type: Select if the care team member is a professional contact or organisation contact.

    • Name: Enter the care team member's name and select it from the dropdown. (If the care team member is a new contact, you can add them from the dropdown.)

    • Phone / Email: Enter the care team member's contact details.

    • Main (optional): Tick the checkbox if this is the patient's main member of their care team.

    • General Notes (optional): Enter any comments about this care team member.

  4. Click Save.

You have successfully added a care team member for the patient.


Professional contacts have their profession displayed with their name. Organisation contacts have their organisation displayed with their name.

Manage care teams

You can manage a patient's care team through these ways:

  • Contact a care team member: To send an SMS, click their mobile number. To send an email, click their email address.

  • Share clinical notes with care team: When you email a patient's clinical note, you can select a care team member as a recipient.

  • View care team member profile: Click the member's name to view their full profile as a professional contact or organisation contact. This also allows you to view a list of patient care teams they are part of.

  • Edit care team member: Next to their name, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon to make changes to their contact details. You can also do this in their professional contact profile or organisation profile.

  • Delete care team member: Next to their name, click the Icon-Bin.svg bin icon to remove the member from the patient's care team. (Note: This only removes the relationship as a care team member, but does not delete their profile as a professional contact or or organisation contact.)


If you delete a contact who already has patient records linked to them, their relationship with the patient is only archived and hidden.


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