Report on daily Medicare payments

The Medicare Payments page (Reports > Medicare) provides a list of daily Medicare Payment & Processing Reports. Each report collates the day's money that Medicare has paid to you for bulk bills and DVA claims, along with links to each invoice where a benefit was paid. There is a separate report for each provider number.


Medicare issues these reports daily (if there is money to pay) along with a pay run number which matches the reference on your bank account. You can therefore reconcile the money you receive in your account against the invoices submitted in Halaxy.

At the bottom of each daily report, a summary appears which contains the deposit total, the payment date, the pay run and the account where the funds were deposited.

To assist in reconcilation, you can also run a Medicare Claims report to see the status of claims in Halaxy, including for rejected or unsuccessful claims. If a bulk bill payment was received, the report will also show the pay run with links to the daily Medicare report for that day.

The daily Medicare payments report does not show rejected or unsuccessful claims.


Medicare payment reports are numbered sequentially, one for each day. If there is a day where there is no payment made to you, you will not receive a report and that report's number will be skipped.


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