The Fax Report shows details on your fax usage, including:
Sent and received page limits
Status of fax messages sent and received via Halaxy
Attachments and pages included in fax messages
Halaxy credits used when using over the page limit
Any patient, professional contact or organisation linked to the fax message
In the top-right of the report, a summary displays your total pages sent, total pages received and the total credits used for the report period. over your monthly subscription. Total Credits only includes credits used for pages over your page limits (not monthly credit cost).
Click Reports > Communication.
On the top right, click New Report.
For Report Type, select Fax.
(Optional) Set any other filters to refine your report results. Leave blank to use all.
Date: Add a date range.
Patient: Filter for fax messages linked to a specific patient.
Organisation: Filter for fax messages linked to specific organisation.
Professional Contact: Filter for fax messages linked to a specific professional contact.
Practitioner: Filter for messages sent by a specific practitioner in your group.
Fax direction: Filter for outgoing, incoming or all messages.
Fax status: Filter for a particular fax status.
Click Run.