When you add a new patient to Halaxy, you are creating a record to store that patient’s personal information, contact details, health records, invoices, appointments,payment details and funding information.
There are two ways to add a new patient:
Both ways are explained in the sections below.
Any practitioner or administrator can add new patients to your practice group.
Adding a patient through creating an appointment promotes an efficient workflow and allows you to enter a patient’s general details.
GIF: Adding a patient by creating an appointment on your calendar
To do this, follow the steps below.
Open the calendar. (Click the Halaxy logo in the top left.)
Click the timeslot on the date for the appointment.
In the Appointment Information panel, for Name, enter the patient’s name.
In the dropdown, click Add 'Patient Name' as a new patient.
In the Add New Patient pop-up, you can choose to fill in additional details for the patient. (Only the patient’s name is required to create a patient record.)
Click Save.
Enter the rest of the appointment details, then click Save.
By creating an appointment, the patient profile is created and added to your Patient List. You can enter more details later by editing the profile.
The Add Patient form allows you to enter more comprehensive details to the patient profile. This is recommended when you don't yet need to schedule an appointment with the patient.
On the sidebar, click Patients > Add Patient.
The Add patient form appears. If your practice supports different profile types, first select a Profile Type:
Full: This profile type can store contact details, clinical records, and funding information. Suitable for most adult patients.
Dependant: This profile type can store clinical records, but not contact details or funding information. Suitable for children, adult dependants, animals, or other patients whom the practice treats but cannot bill or contact directly.
Contact Only: This profile type can store contact details and funding information, but not clinical records. These profiles do not appear in your Patient List and cannot be added to appointments. Suitable for parents, guardians, animal owners, or other contacts whom the practice needs to bill or contact, but not treat.
Note: You can set your practice to have only specific profile types. For example, a veterinarian might want only Dependant and Contact Only profiles. You can change this setting in Settings > General under Patient Profiles.
Fill in the rest of the form as needed:
Name: Enter the patient’s title, given name, middle name, and last name.
Preferred Name: Enter the name the patient prefers instead of their first name. (This appears on invoices, reports, and referrals.)
Gender: Select the patient’s gender. (You can customise these options by managing your gender diversity preferences).
Review Date / Review Remarks: Enter a date to schedule the patient’s next review and any notes on why they need a review.
Status: Select their status they have in your practice:
Current: Currently active in your practice. The patient can be selected when making appointments.
Deleted: The patient is no longer going to your practice and can no longer be selected when making appointments.
Archived: The patient is currently inactive in your practice but can still be selected when creating appointments, with Archived marked beside their name.
Online Booking: Select if you want this patient to be able to book appointments and buy packages on your online bookings page.
Patient Terminology: Select how you want this patient to be referred to on their profile or on invoices. (You can set the same terminology for all patients.)
Notes: Enter any general remarks you want to note down about the patient. This field is not for clinical notes.
Clinics: Select the practice locations associated with the patient.
Labels: Select the label/s to tag this patient profile. You must create labels before you can add them here.
Alert / Alert Colour: Enter an alert note that you want to be visible with the patient’s name. This appears in the patient’s profile, beside the patient’s name in appointments, and in the search panel.
Addresses: Click Add New Address to enter the patient’s address details. This appears on the invoice and is used as location for home visits. You can add multiple addresses.
Phone Numbers: Click Add New Phone to enter the patient’s contact number. The mobile phone number will be used for all SMS communication. You can add multiple phone numbers.
Introduction Source: Enter details on how the patient learned about your practice.
Contacts:: Add a contact for this patient, such as an emergency contact. Enter their contact information. Select preferences for sending reminders and sharing payment methods.
Click Save.
The patient profile is created and added to your Patient List.
You can open a patient’s profile in two ways:
From the Patient List
From the search bar
Whenever you see a patient's name hyperlinked anywhere on Halaxy, you can click it to instantly access the patient profile. You'll see this on invoices, reports, and many other places!