Upload a profile photo

Your profile photo displays in your Halaxy directory listing, giving it a personal touch. When you identify yourself with a photo, you add confidence for referrers to contact you and for patients to book your services.


Add a profile photo

  1. On the sidebar, click Personal > Profile.

  2. Next to your name, click the circle containing your initials.

  3. In the pop-up, click Upload File to select an image from your computer, or click and drag an image into the box. (JPG, JPEG and PNG files are accepted.)

  4. Click Save.


For best results, image files should be at a minimum size of 200 x 200 pixels.

Show or hide your profile photo

  1. On the sidebar, click Personal > Profile.

  2. Click Directory Profile Preferences.

  3. For Profile photo, select Public or Hidden.

  4. Click Save.

Remove your profile photo

  1. On the sidebar, click Personal > Profile.

  2. Click the red X icon over your profile photo.

  3. In the pop-up, click Delete.


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