Set up repeat appointments

Repeat appointments let you book regular patients in advance at their preferred time at a recurring schedule with their preferred practitioner. Reminders are automatically scheduled for each repeat appointment.

You can edit or cancel repeat appointments any time. Repeat appointments on Halaxy eliminate the hassle of having to manually create several appointments individually.

Create a repeating appointment

  1. On the calendar, click a timeslot for the first appointment.

  2. In the Appointment Information panel, add the patient’s name and the fee/s.

  3. Click Repeat Appointment.

  4. In the additional fields that appear, configure the following:

    The Appointment Information panel, with a section for repeating appointments and when to repeat
    • Repeat every: Select the regular frequency of the appointment.

    • Days (optional): Specify the days of the week that an appointment can repeat on.

    • Ends: Select the number of times to repeat the appointment, or select the date for when the repeat appointment will end.

  5. Click Save.

Edit repeat appointments

  1. On the calendar, click one of the repeat appointments.

  2. In the Appointment Information panel, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon.

  3. Edit the details as needed, then click Save.

  4. In the pop-up, select which of the appointments in the repeat series you want to apply these changes to.

  5. Click Save.

Cancel or delete repeat appointments

  1. On the calendar, click one of the repeat appointments.

  2. In the Appointment Information panel, click the Icon-X.svg X icon.

  3. In the pop-up, a summary of previous cancellations is listed at the top. First, select the option for cancelling the appointment.

    • Cancel appointment: Removes the appointment from the calendar and sets the invoice balance to $0. This retains a record of the appointment cancellation in Halaxy and the patient's profile.

    • Cancel appointment and delete invoice: Removes the appointment from your calendar and deletes the invoice, but retains a record of the appointment cancellation in your Halaxy on the patient's profile.

    • Non-attendance: Changes the appointment status to Did Not Attend but keeps the invoice, allowing you to charge the appointment fee.

    • Delete appointment: Deletes the appointment, invoice and linked clinical notes permanently.

  4. Optional: For Reason, select the cancellation reason. For Time, enter the cancellation time. Add comments, if needed.

  5. In the Repeat Appointments section, select which of the appointments in the repeat series you want to delete or cancel.

  6. Click Save.


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