Change order of fees and services list

With online bookings, Halaxy automatically sorts your fees and services list alphabetically. If you want to change the sorting of your fees and services, the easiest way is to customise your fees' online booking custom names and adding a number at the start and in the order you want them to appear.


The online booking custom name is the label of the fee as it appears in your online bookings page. This is different to the regular fee name that you see within Halaxy, allowing you to use a different label for a fee internally and externally.

Customise order of fees and services list

  1. Click Finances > Fees.

  2. Select the fee you want to edit.

  3. Under the Fee Details section, in the Online booking custom name field, enter the name you want to display online with a sorting number at the start.

  4. (Optional) Add any booking notes you wish patients to see when selecting this fee in your online bookings page.

  5. (Optional) Choose a colour for the appointment that appears in your calendar when this fee is used.

  6. Click Save Fee.

  7. Repeat this process for the fees you want to sort.

Your online bookings page now displays your fee list in numerical order.


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