User action history provides an overview of all your users’ activity in your practice. When users log in and actively use Halaxy, their activity on the platform is logged in user action history. Some examples include viewing a patient’s profile, changing appointment details, or updating any settings.
You can also search your user action history, complete with refining filters, to find exact activity records in your practice group.
User action history promotes accountability and transparency as it keeps track of activity and changes in your practice.
What can you see with user action history?
Date: when the activity occurred
User: who performed the activity
Action: type of activity (view, update, create, delete, etc.)
Page: where in Halaxy the activity occurred
ID: the specific record (such as patient, invoice, or appointment) viewed or updated
Description: additional detail on the activity
URL: specific URL of where the activity occurred
IP Address: the device identifier of the person who performed the activity
Any user in your practice can be granted access to view user action history, but it is not enabled by default.
Click Settings > Users.
In the list, next to the user's name, click the
pencil icon to open their access settings.
Tick the User Action History checkbox.
Click Save.
The user can now view user action history.
There are different ways and areas in Halaxy to view user action history, depending on the information you are looking for. To view user action history, first make sure that it has been enabled in your access level settings.
All group history
This allows you to view all activity by all users within a practice group.
Go to Settings > Users. In the group tab heading, click the
clock with arrow icon.
The user action history of all your practice group users appears. To refine your search:
You may also view your user action history records by practitioner or date using the dropdown selections in the upper right corner.
Click the
three lines icon on column headings to filter the column data.
Only Full Access users can view records for all users in the group history view. Users who are not on Full Access will only be able to see their own records in this page.
Patient profiles
This allows you to view all activity for a patient’s record.
This allows you to view all activity for an invoice.
This allows you to view all activity for an appointment.
When you regularly use Halaxy for your practice, your user action history list may span several pages. You can customise viewing this information by sorting or filtering.
Sort the history list
On your user action history list, click on the field heading you wish to sort.
An arrow icon will appear next to the heading to indicate how the information is sorted.
Click the heading again to change the sorting type.
Up arrow: ascending / lowest to highest / oldest to newest.
Down arrow: descending / highest to lowest / newest to oldest
No icon: not sorted
Filter the history list
Hover the mouse pointer over any field heading. Click on the
three lines icon that appears.
Specify the parameters you need for your search. The user action history list will automatically update with your filters.
You can use filters on multiple fields at the same time.