Merge multiple or duplicate invoices

You can quickly move any fee from one invoice to any other invoice with the same payer - including invoice fees from different practitioners and locations. This allows you to group and transfer fees (and appointments, if applicable) into a single invoice.


To merge invoices, the payer must match. If you have no other invoices billed to the same payer, the option to merge is unavailable.


If you transfer all fees from an invoice to another, this action cannot be undone because the source invoice is then permanently deleted. You can unmerge the invoice by moving the fees to a new invoice instead.

Merge fees into a single invoice

  1. Open the invoice with the most recent date. This serves as the destination invoice. (Note: You can only merge fees with dates prior to the destination invoice.)

  2. Under the Fees and Charges section, click the Icon-Merge.svg merge icon. (You can also find a Merge Invoices button in the Invoice Settings.)

  3. In the Merge Invoice Fees pop-up, select all the fees you wish to combine onto the current invoice. If you wish to combine fees from invoices that have already been paid, select All invoices. (Tip: Tick the top checkbox to select all the listed fees at once.)

  4. Click Save. The selected fees are now added into the destination invoice.


Can't find the fees you want to merge? The funder may have invoice merging restrictions in the funder settings. For instructions, see section below.

Unmerge an invoice

If you have merged fees into a single invoice, you cannot unmerge and put fees back into the old invoice. You can move your selected fees (and any payments attached) to a new invoice instead.

  1. Open the invoice.

  2. Next to the fee you want to move, click the Icon-Bin.svg bin icon.

  3. In the pop-up, select Move the charge to another invoice.

  4. In the next pop-up, select New invoice.

  5. Click Save.

The fee has been moved to a new invoice. If there are still other fees in the previous invoice you want to transfer to this new invoice, you can now use the merge option.

Merge fees from multiple practitioners

Fees from multiple practitioners can be merged into a single invoice. Availability of this action may differ depending on user access settings.


Personal Access

Own records and others' contact *

Clinical Access *

Full Access

All Administrators

Can merge fees from multiple practitioners






Can view invoices with fees from multiple practitioners






* May be impacted by customised access settings such as Personal Finance and Clinic Restriction

Icon-Caution.svg - only if the user is the main practitioner billed on the invoice


If an invoice has fees with multiple practitioners, you can change the invoice issuer to the practice location, so the patient or organisation is billed by the business instead of a single practitioner.

Set preference for invoice merging

You can set a preference on which invoice fees can be merged in your practice group. For example, you may only want to merge fees on invoices from the same clinic or same practitioner. Preferences for invoice merging are set in the funder settings.

  1. Click Finances > Fees, then click the Funders tab.

  2. In the list, click the funder to open its settings.

  3. Under Payment Details, for Invoice Merging, select your preference for which fees under this funder are allowed to be merged into an invoice.

    • Same practitioner / same clinic: Allow merging only for fees by the same practitioner from the same location (default)

    • Same practitioner / any clinic: Allow merging only for fees by the same practitioner from any location in your practice group

    • Any practitioner / same clinic: Allow merging only for fees by any practitioner but from the same location

    • Any practitioner / any clinic: Allow merging for fees by any practitioner from any location in your practice group

  4. Click Save.

Your invoice merging preference applies to all fees under this funder.


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