When you receive payment for an invoice, you can change the invoice status to Paid or Partially Paid. This allows you to keep track of your income and outstanding balances you are owed.
This action is only necessary for payments received and processed outside of Halaxy.
Want to save time and skip this step entirely? With Halaxy electronic payments, invoices automatically change their payment status!
Set an invoice to fully paid
Open the invoice.
Under the Payments section, click Mark as Paid.
In the Method dropdown, select the payment method used.
Click Save. The invoice status in the invoice header now says Paid in Full.
Set an invoice to partially paid
Open the invoice.
Under the Payments section, click Mark as Paid.
In the Method dropdown, select the payment method used. For Amount, enter the payment amount received.
Click Save. The invoice status now says Partially Paid and the outstanding balance is displayed.
Revert a paid invoice to unpaid
Open the paid invoice.
Under the Payments section, next to the payment, click the
bin icon.
In the pop-up, select Delete Payment and click Save.
The invoice is now labelled Not Yet Paid in the invoice header. The invoice status has now reverted back to Not Yet Paid.