Verify patient Medicare or DVA card details (OPV and OVV)

Halaxy has an integrated Online Patient Verification (OPV) or Online Veteran Verification (OVV) process that allows practitioners to verify details with Medicare or DVA - all within the Halaxy platform.

OPV or OVV is performed for any of the following purposes:

  • Before processing your first Medicare or DVA claim for a new practice location (required, performed only once)

  • Before processing a Medicare or DVA claim for a new patient to ensure their claiming information is correct (optional)

  • To verify a Medicare Location ID before requesting access to eRx for e-scripts (required, performed only once)

You can verify the patient's Medicare or DVA card details automatically or manually.


Run a patient report to generate a quick list of patients and their Medicare or DVA verification status.

Automatically verify a patient's Medicare or DVA details

  1. Click Settings > General.

  2. Under the Patient Settings section, next to Claim verification, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon.

  3. In the pop-up, for Medicare/DVA Verification, select one of the automatic options:

    • Automatic for new claims: Automatically verify newly created Medicare or DVA details in the last 24 hours.

    • Automatic daily: Automatically verify Medicare/DVA details for upcoming appointments of each day.

  4. Click Save.


Keep all your patient's details up-to-date! Automatic claim verification also includes validating your patient's Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI).


If you have System Messages notifications enabled, you receive a notification if a patient's verification has failed.

Manually verify a patient's Medicare or DVA details

The OPV or OVV can be done in any of these three areas:

View verification history

  1. Go to any of the areas to view a patient's Medicare or DVA details: patient profile, invoice or appointment.

  2. Click the Icon-History-2.svg clock with arrow icon next to the patient's card number.

  3. A pop-up appears with the verification history of the patient's card details.



The Icon-History-2.svg clock with arrow icon only appears when the patient's Medicare or DVA details have already been verified.


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