Deactivate a user from your group

Who can do this?

  • Practitioners: Full Access

  • Administrators: Full Access

Deactivating a user prevents them from signing into your practice group. This retains the user’s calendar and patient records in Halaxy but removes their access to them.


If you want to retain a practitioner's access to their own records but prevent them from making any changes to your practice, you can give them read-only access instead of deactivating them.


Only Full Access users can deactivate other users. If you want to deactivate a user who also has Full Access, you must change their access level to a lower access level before you can deactivate them.

Deactivate a user

  1. Click Settings > Users.

  2. Under your practice group, next to the user’s name, click the Icon-X.svg X icon.

  3. In the pop-up, click Deactivate.

The user’s name now appears in your group list in grey. They are signed out of your practice group on all their devices and can no longer sign back in.


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