When clinically appropriate or necessary, you can share a clinical note with:
Another practitioner within your practice group
An administrator in your practice group
Practitioners outside your practice group
The patient.
Halaxy provides a variety of options to securely share your clinical notes anytime.
Clinical note sharing is enabled by default. You can disable note sharing for practitioners or even specific patients in your practice group. This does not affect your Full Access and Clinical Access users, who have access to all patient clinical records.
Need more access control for your clinical notes? You can restrict note privacy and limit access only to you and users the note has been shared with.
Open the clinical note.
Click the down arrow to open the note options, then select Share.
In the pop-up, configure the following:
Share with: Select Practitioner in your group.
Practitioner: Select the practitioner's name.
What would you like to share: Select whether you want to grant access to just this individual note or all clinical notes for this patient. (Note: Selecting either of this option does not grant access to your other patients.)
Click Save.
The practitioner can now find the patient on their Patient List and view the shared clinical note. If the entire patient profile was shared, the practitioner can view all clinical notes.
If you share an entire patient profile with a practitioner, this automatically adds the selected practitioner to the patient’s practitioner relationships.
Practitioners on Full Access and Clinical Access already have access to all patient records, so this share action is not available for these practitioners.
Open the clinical note.
Click the down arrow to open the note options, then select Share.
In the pop-up, configure the following:
Share with: Select Administrator in your group.
Administrator: Select the administrator's name.
Click Save.
The administrator can find the patient on their Patient List and view the shared clinical note.
There are different options you can take for sharing clinical notes with practitioners externally.
Open the clinical note.
Click the down arrow to open the note options, then select Email.
In the pop-up, complete the email form as needed.
Click Send.
The clinical note sends as a PDF file attachment in the email.
If your clinical note has files attached, you can select which ones you want to include in the email as file attachments.
For extra security, tick the Require verification for file access checkbox to require recipients to enter a verification code (sent to their email) to access the files. Just make sure to add the [Download Link] dynamic term in the email content.
If you have a fax subscription, you can quickly share clinical notes through electronic fax.
Open the clinical note.
In the top right, click the
fax icon. (Alternatively, next to the Save button, click the down arrow and select Fax.)
In the pop-up, configure the following:
Practitioner: Select the practitioner as sender of the fax message. (Available for all users except Personal Access.)
Recipient: Select the recipient type and the patient / contact / fax number you want to fax the clinical note to. (Note: If you are manually entering a fax number, ensure you follow the correct fax number format.)
Cover Sheet Template (optional): Select a cover sheet template for your fax message.
Attachments (optional): If the clinical note has file attachments, click the Attachments field to add any of them to the fax message. Attached files count towards your page limits.
Click Send.
When your fax sends to your recipient, the PDF version of the clinical note is attached to your fax message.
Argus / ReferralNet
If you have connected your Argus or ReferralNet account, you can send a clinical note through secure messaging.
Open the clinical note.
Click the down arrow to open the note options, then select SMD Argus or SMD ReferralNet.
In the pop-up, enter the search criteria to find your recipient in the Argus or ReferralNet database.
Click the practitioner you want to send the clinical note. A summary appears for you to review.
Select the message type, then click Send.
When you share a clinical note with a patient, they can view it in their patient portal under their Health Notes. Patients must sign up to the Halaxy patient portal to view shared notes.
GIF: Viewing the email history of a clinical note (click to expand image)
Every clinical note stores its own message history, so you always have a record of every instance the clinical note was emailed, to whom, and when.
To view a clinical note message history, follow the steps below.
You have disabled sharing clinical notes in your practice group. Both practitioners and patients can no longer share clinical notes.
You can disable note sharing for individual patients instead of disabling for everyone.