Assign a survey to a fee

Every service is different, and you may require different survey questions for specific services. While you can assign a default survey to send for all appointments, you can also assign a different survey to a specific fee. This automatically sends the assigned survey to patients after their appointments booked with that fee.

When automated, surveys are sent to patients when their appointments end AND have an Attended status. Surveys are not sent to future-dated appointments.


In Halaxy, appointment type settings always override fee settings. If a patient books a fee that is linked to an appointment type with its own assigned survey, the patient is sent the appointment type's survey, not the fee's. If you want the fee's survey to apply, you can either remove the appointment type's assigned survey or unlink the fee in the appointment type's settings.

Link a survey to a fee

  1. Click Finances > Fees.

  2. Click the fee from the list.

  3. Under Fee Details, for Default survey template, select the survey to link to this fee.

  4. Click Save Fee.

When the patient appointment with this fee finishes and the appointment has an Attended status, the assigned survey is automatically sent to the patient.

To remove the linked survey, for Default survey template, select Do not send a survey or Use group default.


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