Guide to Survey reports

Who can do this?

All users with Survey Results enabled in access settings

When patients complete your survey, Halaxy automatically collects and collates their responses into a report. Survey reports turn your survey data into insights to help you make informed decisions for your practice.

Survey reports include data such as:

  • Survey performance and completion rates

  • Results breakdown by viewing results by question

  • Patient response database for all completed surveys

By keeping track of your patients' needs and feedback, survey reports are a powerful tool for enhancing patient care.

Run a survey report

  1. Click Reports > Surveys.

  2. On the left panel, set your report filters:

    • Survey Template: Select the survey you want to generate a report for.

    • Time Period: Select the time period to view analytics for the selected survey.

  3. Click Generate.

A report for this survey is generated, which includes data on survey performance and the breakdown of responses.


View all survey responses


In Reports > Surveys, all responses to every survey are collated in the Responses tab.

  • View responses: Click on a row in the list to view the patient's responses to a survey, along with some of their details - name, date of birth, email and gender.

  • Filter response list: Filter any column by clicking the Icon-Menu.svg three lines icon on a column. (For example, filter the Template column to view responses only to a specific survey.)

  • Anonymous responses: For surveys where respondents opt to remain anonymous, you can view their responses but the record does not show their patient details.

View patient survey history

Whenever a patient receives and/or completes a survey, this record is stored in their survey history on their patient profile.

  1. Open the patient profile.

  2. Under the Contact Details section, click the Icon-Survey.svg meter icon.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up. The History section displays the patient's survey history.



If the patient has answered a survey anonymously, the record is not included in their survey history.


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