Confirm your received payments

There are two ways to confirm that payments have been transferred to your bank account:

Processed payments typically reach your bank account the next business day (when processed before 8:00 PM AEST) or within 2-3 business days (when processed after 8:00 PM AEST).

See related article: Reconcile payments in your bank account

Confirm individual payments via invoice payment history

  1. Open the invoice.

  2. Under the Payments section, click the Successful link for the completed payment.

  3. In the Payment History pop-up, the following details are displayed:

    • Date and time of the transfer

    • Bank account details

    • Transfer amount and transaction charges

    • Receipt number

    • Status and reason why payments were successful or unsuccessful


The bank details appear only after the transfer is successfully completed.

Confirm multiple payments via Auto Payments report

  1. Click Reports > Finance.

  2. On the top right, click New Report.

  3. Configure the following filters:

    • Report Type: Select Auto Payments.

    • Payment Date: Enter the date range to narrow your search. (Example: If you want to confirm payments for yesterday, enter yesterday's date for both the From and Until fields.)

    • Practitioner (optional): Select your name if you only want to confirm your own payments.

  4. Click Run.

All payments processed during the date range are displayed in the results, including the payment status, transfer date, amount transferred and transaction fees.

Click the invoice number to go to the individual invoice details, and click on the date to see the payments processing expenses for that day in your Expenses list.


Guide to payment status codes

Payment status codes (also called response codes) are provided directly from banks to inform you whether a payment has successfully gone through, and if not, why the payment has not gone through.


Bank Description



Successful payment

You will receive payment into your account within 2 business days if you processed the payment before 8pm AEST.

01, 04, 05

Refer to card issuer

There is a problem with the account (e.g. there may be a hold on the account).

Process it again or contact the patient to clarify that they have sufficient funds to pay the fee.


Insufficient funds

Contact patient and update their card details on their profile or obtain payment from the patient using alternative means


Expired card

Contact patient and update their card details on their profile or obtain payment from the patient using alternative means


Invalid card number

Check the patient's card number and enter the correct card number

If the payment has not gone through, contact the patient directly as they can add funds to their credit card or discuss the issue with their bank (which is not something that Halaxy or you can do).


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