Our team is constantly working on ways to improve and build on Halaxy to help you run your practice more efficiently. All new and updated features are documented here, so watch this space!
Express appointments: Patients can make a booking with your practice and have an video or phone consultation with the next available practitioner straightaway (or at a wait time of your choosing). Perfect for quick services like repeat prescriptions, medical certificates, or referral requests. Learn more.
Saved drugs: Save frequently prescribed medications by clicking the star icon next to a drug in an order, allowing you to sort, manage and quickly re-prescribe drugs you regularly use in your practice. Learn more.
Sonic Labs integration: Import lab order results automatically from Sonic Healthcare, Australia's largest network of pathology providers. For a seamless workflow, results can be quickly added to patient clinical notes. Learn more.
HealthLink integration: Send and receive secure messages to more healthcare providers with HealthLink, Australia's largest healthcare messaging network. Learn more.
Medical-Objects integration: Send and receive secure electronic communication to your network of healthcare providers across Australia to exchange referrals, results and clinical records with ease. Learn more.
Automatic refunds for cancellations: When patients cancel their own appointments, you have the option to automatically refund any card payments. Learn more.
Chat improvements: Search staff names in your team list, and sort your conversation list according to oldest or newest.
Real Time Prescription Monitoring: Halaxy automatically checks the national data exchange when you add a monitored drug to a prescription, providing instant notifications about your patient’s relevant medication history.
Reporting updates:
Change to Referral report: Referral report has been renamed to Contact report. In this category, you can generate reports for referrals, professional contacts and organisations Learn more.
Appointment report bulk updates: Apply a bulk update to the appointment status or appointment location of multiple patients when you run an appointment report.
New Finance report type: With the Credit Card Not Added report type in Finance reports, you can generate a list of patients who do not have card payment details in their patient profile.
Professional contact management: When a professional contact leaves their practice, you can now remove the practice from the contact's profile. Learn more.
Self deactivation from group: Non-full access users can now remove themselves from a group, making it easy for users to manage their own access when they are no longer part of a practice. Learn more.
Improvement to updating claims: When you edit a patient's third-party claim, you can instantly update the claim's paying organisation for all future invoices linked to the claim.
Address autocomplete: When entering an address in Halaxy, you will now be shown a suggested address, which, when clicked, automatically populates the address fields for you.
Chat: Send and receive secure instant messages with your practice group right within Halaxy. Learn more.
Font style preferences: Customise the font family, size and colour for your clinical notes and templates. Learn more.
Deposits for multiple payments: Apply a single deposit towards payment for multiple unpaid invoices. Learn more.
Topbar icon changes: The topbar icons now include:
inbox (SMS / fax / Argus / ReferralNet),
notifications, and
Patient search improvements: You can now search patients in the search bar by their email address or phone number. Learn more.
Archive contact practice: If a professional contact leaves a practice, you can now remove the practice from their contact profile. Learn more. (Note: If the contact has linked records (referrals, invoices, appointments) with the practice, this only archives the practice from the contact profile.)
Heidi Health AI integration: Turbocharge your clinical documentation with the power of AI. Heidi listens to your sessions, transcribes them in real-time, and transforms them into summaries, letters, outlines and more. All you need to do is launch the Heidi widget from any clinical note. Learn more.
Failed payment settings: Automatically notify invoice payers (patients or organisations) if their auto payment fails in Halaxy. You can also automate failed payments to retry processing at a schedule of your choosing. Learn more.
Intake forms in online bookings: You can now set intake forms to be required for online bookings. This requires patients to fill out an intake form in order to complete an online booking with your practice. For added flexibility, you can require intake forms only for specific fees or appointment types. Learn more.
Personal appointment list: View, export or print your personal appointment history. Click Schedule > Appointment List, then click the Personal tab.
Improved clinical note search: Under clinical note filters, search your note contents by keyword/s to refine your search results, which now also includes searching prescriptions.
Improved credit usage report: In Finance Reports, the Halaxy Credit Usage report now includes credits used for SMS messages. A new setting has also been added to view the report as a summary or in detail.
Apple Pay for online bookings: Halaxy's online bookings now accepts Apple Pay as a payment method for patients using Apple devices.
Patient subtypes for Halaxy Vet: You can now add your own custom subtypes for animal types. Learn more.
Clinical Order reports: Track your prescription, pathology and imaging orders all in one page, now consolidated in Reports > Clinical Orders. Learn more.
Automatic claim verification: Verify your patients' Medicare, DVA and IHI details automatically with two options: for new patients added in the last 24 hours, or for existing patients with upcoming appointments for each day. Learn more.
Prescription report improvement: Every prescription report includes Repeats and Quantity data for every individual drug in a prescription. Learn how to run a prescription report.
Patient invoice scheduling: Automatically collate fees onto a single invoice for individual patients at a specified frequency. This applies to fees that are billed to the patient. For example: Invoice a patient monthly so only one invoice is generated for them with all their appointment fees for the month added. Learn more.
Export and Print access setting: New access setting allows or restricts user access to export and print functions in Halaxy. Learn more about user access settings.
Appointment end time on invoices: Automatically display the appointment end time on invoices. This preference can be set in your invoice template preferences.
Categories for fax messages: Label your fax messages with the following categories: Archived, Completed, New, Read. Learn more.
Expanded professions for WorkSafe Victoria claims: The following professions can now process WorkSafe Victoria claims straight from invoices via our HICAPS Digital integration:
Exercise Physiologist
Occupational Therapist
Remedial Massage Therapist
Social Worker
Speech Pathologist
Payment plans: Split an invoice payment into smaller amounts for patients to pay at a scheduled frequency. Learn more.
Individual scheduled payments: Schedule an individual invoice to automatically process payment at a selected date and time. Learn more.
Surveys: Create surveys to send automatically to patients after their appointment. You can create multiple surveys for different services. Learn how to set up surveys
Survey analytics: By collecting feedback from patients via surveys, you can make informed clinical and business decisions for your practice. Learn about survey reporting.
Prescription reports: Track every prescription issued to patients in your practice. Learn more.
Snooze patient arrival notifications: Dismiss a patient arrival notification temporarily to notify you again in 5 minutes. Learn about patient arrival alerts.
Apple Pay: Patients can now pay their invoices via the payment link using Apple Pay.
List improvements: We have upgraded lists for easier management of your records, including searching, sorting, filtering and customising. Learn more about managing your lists.
Evermed integration: By sending e-scripts through Evermed, your e-scripts include a link for patients to seamlessly order their medication for quick delivery. No extra charge, no sign-ups required! Learn more.
Google Pay: Patients can now pay their invoices, online bookings and packages using Google Pay.
Protected file attachments: When emailing clinical notes, you can opt to require recipients to enter a verification code (sent to their email) to access file attachments. Learn how to email clinical notes.
Quick option menu for calendar appointments: Right-click on any appointment on the calendar to open a handy menu with quick options!
Labels on appointments: Patient labels now appear on the appointment information panel in the calendar.
Preset fee updates: We've updated pricing and rebates for a number of preset fees for Australia. You can update your preset fees for the following funders now:
WorkCover QLD
Open Arms
Patient arrival notifications: When a patient's appointment status is set to Arrived, the appointment practitioner receives an instant notification. Learn more.
2FA required for all users: Two-factor authentication is now mandatory for all Halaxy users. Enable multiple methods to have a backup 2FA method in case you cannot access your primary method. Learn more.
Halaxy Telehealth screen sharing: Enhance your remote consultations by sharing a window or your entire screen with patients. Learn more about telehealth.
Disable online bookings for specific patients: Prevent individual patients from booking appointments from your online bookings page. Learn more.
Disable note sharing for specific patients: Prevent individual patients from sharing notes and updates from their patient portal. Learn more.
Admin note tasks: Create and assign tasks straight from any admin note.
New filter for appointment reports: Filter your appointment reports by your custom patient labels.
Preset fee updates: A number of Medicare rebates as well as a number of other payment rates increased on 1 July. You can update your preset fees for the following funders now:
Worksafe VIC
WorkCover QLD
Multiple 2FA methods: Enable multiple two-factor authentication methods to allow you to authenticate with an alternative if you cannot access your primary method. Learn more.
Whitelist IP address for 2FA: With IP whitelisting, you'll only need to do 2FA when logging in from a new device or location. Streamline your login process while still protecting your account. Learn more.
New login alerts: Send email notifications to users in your practice group when their account has a new sign-in from a new location or device. Learn more.
Sync Halaxy invoice numbers to Xero: New setting to use the same invoice numbers on Halaxy and Xero. Enabling this syncs the Halaxy invoice number to the Xero invoice. Learn more about Xero syncing.
Bulk patient status update: Apply a bulk status update to multiple patients in a case load report. Learn more.
Custom contact relationships: Create your own custom relationship options for patient contacts. Learn more.
Custom channels for admin notes: Create your own custom channel options for admin notes. Learn more.
Appointment status on invoice: Show the patient's appointment status (such as attended or cancelled) on the invoice line. This setting applies to the practice group and can be enabled in your invoice template preferences.
Custom preference for referral selection: Configure your preference for how referrals are automatically selected in appointments. You can mark referrals are preferred or inactive. Learn more.
New Halaxy Webinars: We relaunched Halaxy webinars and have kicked off the new onboarding series. Look out for our live session registrations or watch our recorded sessions.
Appointment cancellation confirmations: Automatically send an SMS or email notification to patients when their appointment is cancelled. Learn more.
Appointment reports: Include patient details in appointment reports.
Auto Payments report: Include bank account details as a new column for Auto Payments reports.
Invoice send status icon: Display a
paper plane icon on the calendar appointment as a quick visual indicator if its invoice has already been sent out. This preference can be added in your calendar preferences.
Profile training status: Practitioners who are still undergoing training can add a training status label on their profile. You can add your training status when you edit your profile.
New remittance method for processing fees: Select how you want to remit processing fees to Halaxy. By default, processing fees are automatically deducted from payments before they are deposited to your bank account. You can now opt to have full payments deposited to your bank account first, then have processing fees charged to your stored credit card as an expense. You can configure this setting in your processing fees preferences.
Additional Administrator access settings: New user access settings are available for Administrator users on Contact Access. This includes allowing or restricting their access to fax, secure messages and intake forms.
Practitioner signatures: Add your signature to your profile, which allows you to sign clinical notes and clinical orders in just a few clicks. Learn more.
Labels: Add your own custom labels to patient, professional contact or organisation profiles to manage your records the way you want. Learn more
Clinical note locking: Enable your clinical notes to lock permanently and automatically at a set schedule after they are published, preventing anyone to revert or edit the note, including its owner. Learn more
Private mode for patient profiles: Set a patient profile to private mode, allowing only the practitioners who are treating a patient - or given shared access - to view the patient's profile, find them in the Patient List, and select them for appointments. Learn more
Conditional questions: Set up any question to display additional questions based on a patient's answer. Applies to clinical question templates, patient intake forms, clinical tools and social history forms.
Multiple letterhead templates: Create multiple clinical letterhead templates for your group, location or practitioners. Whenever you print, email or fax a clinical note, you can select which letterhead you want to use.
Xero two-way syncing: We've added a Xero sync preference to enable invoice payments recorded in Xero to automatically update invoices in Halaxy.
New contact history icon: Email and SMS history for patients, professional contacts and organisations have moved under a consolidated
contact history icon.
Medicare fees update: The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) has released updated fee rebates, including for psychiatry. If you are using preset Medicare fees, don't forget to update them. For the complete list of changes, see this article from MBS Online.
Discount codes: Create discount codes for patients to use for online bookings and packages. Discounts can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the fee total. Learn more.
Send invoice before the appointment: Invoice due dates can now be set to a negative number, making the due date before the appointment date. This allows you to send an invoice payment link and get paid before an appointment. Learn more.
Note sharing with Administrators: Clinical notes can now be shared with Administrator users.
Preferences for preset fee importing: By default, all preset fees relevant to professions in your practice group are available to import. You can restrict preset fee importing for each user to their geographic region and only to their own profession. Learn more.
Invoice merging preference: You can set a preference on which fees in your practice group are allowed to be merged in invoices. For example, you may only want to merge fees linked to the same location or the same practitioner. Learn more.
Manual tax rate: When you set or edit pricing for a fee (from the Fees List or on an invoice), Tax Rule includes a new option to set the fee tax manually.
Patient-practitioner read-only access: When granting another practitioner access to a patient, you can limit them to read-only access and restrict them from editing any of the patient's records.
Improved annotatable images: Our upgraded annotatable image clinical tools now have more options for drawing and writing. Learn more.
User time zone: Set or switch the time zone for your own account. Always stay on top of your schedule - no matter where you, your practice or your patients are. Learn more.
Dynamic data: Insert dynamic data into your clinical notes to automatically populate with patient data from clinical templates - such as scores from clinical tools or even answers to specific questions. Learn more.
Assignment of Benefit requests: Send your bulk bill patients a link to their invoice page where they can confirm assignment of benefit, which is automatically attached to your claim to Medicare. Learn more.
Package validity: The new Validity setting allows you to select the locations and practitioners with whom package fees can be booked. Learn about packages.
Invoice files: Upload and attach files to any invoice. Learn more.
Invoice terminology: Invoices can be renamed to "Tax Invoice" or "Bill". There is also an additional option to label paid invoices as "Receipts" when printed, downloaded or sent. Learn more.
Telehealth links via SMS: You can now send your Halaxy Telehealth links manually to your patients via SMS from the appointment panel. Learn about sending telehealth links.
Two-way calendar bulk deleting: If you are deleting more than 3 appointments from your external calendar, you must review and confirm the appointments to also delete them in Halaxy. Learn about two-way calendar syncing.
Verifications update: Practices with at least one verified practitioner automatically provide access to certain features to all its practitioners. Practitioners are still required to get their individual profiles verified to be listed in the Halaxy directory and take online bookings.
Expanded gender diversity settings: Gender field preferences now apply to practitioner, administrator and professional contact profiles. Learn more
Blur video background: Halaxy Telehealth now offers the option to blur your background for video calls.
Redesign for clinical templates: Improved design for creating and importing clinical templates and tools.
Link SMS messages to reminders: If replies to SMS reminders don't register as responses, you can link the message to a reminder to save and track it as a reminder response. Learn more.
eRx integration: Halaxy e-script services have transitioned from MediSecure to eRx.
ICD-10 codes: Enable ICD-10 for your practice group, which allows you to add ICD-10 codes to fees, which display on the invoice. Available in selected countries. Learn more.
ECLIPSE: Lodge your hospital / in-patient claims with private health insurers straight from your Halaxy invoice. Learn how to set up ECLIPSE.
Invoice CRNs for BPAY: Set your BPAY preference to generate a unique CRN per invoice, allowing you to track each BPAY payment individually.
Comcare claims via Medipass: Our Medipass integration now processes Comcare claims straight from invoices. Learn how to process Comcare claims.
Print templates for clinical orders: If you would like to digitally complete and print onto custom clinical order forms for imaging and pathology labs, you can now import or set up your own printing templates customised to the forms. Learn more.
Self data import: The new self-data import feature allows practitioners and administrators to quickly and easily transfer patient records directly to Halaxy. Learn more.
Email status updates: Get notified when an email you've created fails to send to your intended recipient.
Tyro Health update: Medipass has rebranded to Tyro Health, leading to some minor updates on invoices and Halaxy's integrations page.
Care team: Add your patient's care team to their profile so you can easily get in touch with them. Learn more.
Clinical goals: Enable goals for tracked data on the clinical dashboard. You can set a global goal for all patients, or an individual goal for each patient.
Sell packages online: Enable packages to be available for online purchase in your directory profile. (Note: Online bookings must be enabled to use this feature.)
SMS intake form: Manually send patient intake forms via SMS.
SMS payment link: Manually send secure payment links for invoices via SMS. (Available only for invoices billed to patients.)
Whole day billing: If you use automatic daily payments processing, there is an added option to process payments for all pre-scheduled appointments between 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM. (For example, if your automatic daily processing time is at 9:00 AM, you'll also process payments for the day's appointments pre-scheduled for past 9:00 AM, up until 11:59 PM. However, if a patient walks in that same day at 2:00 PM, their payment will be processed the following day.)
Early billing: As part of the whole day billing (previous item), you can also opt to charge payees in advance for their appointments - up to 3 days prior - to reduce no-shows.
Practitioner address privacy: Added option to hide your complete address in practitioner directory profile preferences.
Organisation files: Upload file attachments to organisation profiles.
New access settings: Settings added to user access to enable/disable users in processing electronic payments (Auto Payments and Paypal) and refunds.
Admin notes: Add non-clinical notes to a patient’s profile to log contact with patients, such as follow-up calls or ad-hoc discussions. Learn more
Snippets: Create reusable content - such as text, images, links - that you can insert quickly into clinical notes and clinical templates. Learn more
Events: Create an activity or note for yourself that you can pin to a day in your calendar, without blocking a specific timeslot. Learn more
Calendar for Administrators: Administrators can now set their own work hours and mark timeslots for duties or personal appointments. Learn more
Custom drugs: Can’t find a drug on the PBS or Private database? Create it as a custom drug, available for prescribing practitioners in your practice group. Learn more
Invoice issuer: Change invoice issuer to business for default or individual invoices. Learn more
Multi-practitioner invoices: Combine fees from multiple practitioners when merging invoices.
Tax label: Set your custom label for tax (e.g. GST) in your invoice template preferences.
Appointment duration: Display the appointment duration in hours on invoices, available in invoice template preferences.
Age display: Show the patient’s age next to their date of birth on invoices, available in invoice template preferences.
Calendar & Appointments
Add to Calendar: Attach an Add to Calendar link for appointment reminders or booking confirmations emails via dynamic term. Learn more
Online booking label: When you hover over a calendar appointment, the preview indicates if appointment was booked online and includes a timestamp.
Patient name format: A new option for patient name format - First Name + Last Name - is added to calendar preferences.
Appointment type level setting: Assign specific locations or practitioners when creating new appointment types.
Patient Profiles
Patient profile photo: Identify your patients and keep track of them by uploading a profile photo to their patient profile. Learn more
Multiple patient alerts: Users can add up to 3 alerts for each patient profile. Learn more
Custom patient types (veterinarians only): Manage animal types for your patient profiles, customised to your veterinary practice. Learn more
Pay in 4: The option to Pay in 4 is available for Paypal when requesting payment for online bookings.
Card capture for full payments: Store a patient’s card to their profile when requiring full payment for online bookings.
Scheduled payments: Added setting to exclude specific fees for scheduled payments processing.
Online Bookings
Specialised intake forms: Automatically send different intake forms for specific fees or appointment types to patients after completing an online booking.
Terms and conditions: Add your own terms and conditions and require patients to agree for online bookings, available in online booking preferences.
Request date of birth: Add a date of birth field in the online booking form, available in online booking preferences.
Direct communication: Send an email or SMS to professional contacts and organisations from their profile. Learn more
Message history: View email or SMS communication history with professional contacts and organisations. Learn more
Auto clinical note versioning: Automatically save different versions of clinical notes whenever they are edited. Learn more
Manual total score for clinical tools: Enable a manual final score for your clinical tool if you are performing calculations externally.
Pro-rata rounding: Enable automatic rounding for pro-rata fee calculation. Learn more
Preset fee updates: If you are using preset fees, don’t forget to import updates for this new financial year for the following preset fees:
WorkCover QLD
WorkSafe VIC
Open Arms
Patient communication: To prevent spam and fraudulent activity, sending SMS and emails to patients are now restricted to verified profiles.
Google Analytics 4: GA4 property ID tags are now supported for tracking your practitioner and location profiles with Google tags.
Profile redesign: We’ve launched a fresh redesign for practitioner profiles in the Halaxy directory.