When another patient requests access to your Halaxy Patient Portal, you will be emailed about who is requesting access and whether they are requesting View or Edit access. You will also be able to see the person as having "Pending" status in your Halaxy Patient Portal.
You can choose to grant or deny the other patient access to your Halaxy Patient Portal. Granting someone else access can be useful if you would like to share information with a spouse, partner, friend or family member.
Parents and guardians can also create an account for their child or dependant and then grant themselves access from their child or dependent's account.
After you have granted access to another patient, you can revoke their access at any time.
Anyone you grant access to will be able to see and possibly edit health data or medical records in your Halaxy account. Do not grant access to people you do not trust. You can also revoke access at any time.
Click Account > Access.
Under the People Accessing You section, the person who requested access is listed with their Status as Pending. Under the Actions column, click the
pencil icon.
In the pop-up, if you want to grant access, set the Status to Current. (If you wish to deny access, set the Status to Disabled.)
(Optional) If you are granting portal access to someone else, you can also change their role and access level.
Role: Select the actions you are allowing for this person requesting for access to your portal.
Edit: Allow to view and make changes in your patient portal.
View: Allow to view only, but not make changes in your patient portal.
Access Level: Select the access level you want to grant.
Clinical: Access all appointments, invoices and clinical records.
Administrative: Access all appointments and invoices only. No access to clinical records.
Click Submit.
If you granted access, the other patient will be able to see your data by toggling between users in the top-right of their Halaxy Patient Portal. If you denied access, the other patient will not be able to see your data.