Click Practitioners > My Practitioners in the sidebar to see a list of Practitioners, or click Practitioners > Search to search for a practitioner. Any practitioners you find in the directory can be added to your list of practitioners.
Click Practitioners > Search to find a practitioner. You can search by profession, location, expertise and gender. Click Advanced Search to search by name, language and the type of service they offer, including for things like wheelchair access and home visits.
Results appear below the search fields. You can click to view their profile, or click Save Profile to add the practitioner to My Practitioners for easy access later.
My Practitioners is a list of all your practitioners, from your dentist to your physiotherapist. You might have multiple practitioners in the same practice, or different practitioners from different practices.
Clicking on a practitioner in the list will take you to their profile. You'll be able to access any clinical notes they have shared, as well as view your appointments and any invoices with the practice. If they have online bookings enabled, you can also book online.
Adding practitioners to My Practitioners list adds them to your dashboard and makes it easy to check your data with that practitioner.