Who can do this?
Practitioners only
Full Access: can set up individual accounts for any practitioner
ReferralNet is a secure message delivery service for sharing clinical records between health professionals in compliance with Australian Privacy Principles. With a full integration, you can securely send and receive referrals and clinical notes using Referral Net all within Halaxy.
To successfully connect ReferralNet, you must first connect your organisation account, then set up your individual practitioner account.
Sending clinical records using / Argus / ReferralNet costs 3 credits per message.
In order to use secure messaging, both the sender and receiver are required to use the same messaging provider. By signing up for both ReferralNet and Argus, this increases your ability to send messages securely.
If you do not have an existing ReferralNet subscription, you can set up your organisation account by following the steps below:
Click Settings > Integrations.
Under the Secure Messaging section, next to ReferralNet, click Set Up Organisation Account.
In the pop-up, for Do you have an existing practice account, select No.
Fill out the rest of the form and click Submit.
ReferralNet will verify and create your organisation account, which may take a few days. Your ReferralNet status displays as Awaiting Approval in your Halaxy Integrations page.
When your organisation account is created, your ReferralNet status displays as Active in your Halaxy Integrations page and you will be able to create individual accounts.
After your organisation is set up, you can sign up for individual accounts for each practitioner in your practice group. Each practitioner will need an individual account to use ReferralNet.
To set up individual ReferralNet accounts, follow the steps below.
Click Settings > Integrations.
Under the Secure Message Delivery section, next to ReferralNet, click the
pencil icon. The ReferralNet Secure Messaging Integration pop-up appears.
For each practitioner you would like to create a ReferralNet account for, select Create New Account and select their Discipline (profession).
At the bottom of the form, click Save.
The practitioners you created an account is labeled Pending: Waiting for connection. After ReferralNet verifies the practitioner's account (approximately 15 minutes), the practitioner's username and password automatically appear in the ReferralNet pop-up, with a button to validate the login credentials.
You do not need to do anything; when this happens, the practitioner's ReferralNet account has been successfully created, and the practitioner will be able to use ReferralNet to send secure messages through Halaxy.
To create a ReferralNet account, the Title field (i.e. Mr / Ms / Dr) in your profile must be populated.
If you already have a ReferralNet account, please email community@halaxy.com requesting that you would like to link your account with Halaxy. Ensure that you include your ReferralNet username in the email.
Argus is another secure message delivery service operated by Telstra.
ReferralNet users are able to send secure messages to other ReferralNet users as well as Argus users. Argus users are able to receive messages from ReferralNet users but can only send messages to other Argus users.
By signing up for both ReferralNet and Argus, you can increase your ability to send and receive messages securely.