Your professional contacts list on Halaxy is comprised of referrers and other health professionals. This lets you build a network of health practitioners with whom you may share patients, allowing you to securely share information for better health outcomes.
Each professional contact has a profile in your Professional Contacts list, which includes their provider number, contact details, areas of focus, and if applicable, referral history.
You can correspond with your contacts within Halaxy using integrated secure messaging with Argus or ReferralNet.
In the Professional Contacts list, click the two arrows icon in the top right to change your list view: by practitioner or by practice.
Click Contacts > Professionals.
At the top right, click Add Professional Contact.
Enter the contact's details and their practice details.
(Optional) If the contact works at multiple practices and has different provider numbers, add another practice to the contact’s profile by clicking Add Practice.
Click Save.
If a professional contact leaves their practice, you can remove the practice from the contact's profile. If the contact does not have linked records (invoices, appointments, referrals) with that practice, the relationship is deleted permanently. If there are linked records, the practice is only archived from the profile.
Click Contacts > Professionals.
From the list, click a contact’s name to open their profile.
In the contact's profile, next to the practice name you want to remove, click the bin icon.
Click Remove.
You have removed the practice from the contact's profile. If the contact is with another practice, click Add Practice to add the new one.