Set up an invoice schedule

Invoices can be scheduled to automatically collate fees onto a single invoice for a specified period of time, such as weekly or monthly. This allows you to bill patients or third-party organisations with a regular bulk invoice that contains all the services you provided for the specific period, instead of having to generate an individual invoice for each service.

For third parties, an invoice schedule can collate fees for just a single patient or for multiple patients billed to one organisation.


An invoice schedule is only for grouping fees for a specified period. It does not automatically send the invoice at the end of the period.


Want to automate your invoicing process completely? Set up automatic invoice emails and you’ll never forget to send an invoice!

Set up invoice scheduling for individual patients

This automatically collates an individual patient's invoices for private billing (i.e. self-funded).

  1. Go to the patient profile and click the Funding tab.

  2. Under the Invoice Automation section, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon.

  3. In the pop-up, for Schedule, type how you want to collate fees for this patient, such as Weekly or Monthly and select it in the dropdown. (Note: You may create your own custom invoice schedule in this field, such as the 15th of every month.)

  4. Click Save.

Whenever you create an invoice for this patient with fees under the Private funder, the invoice schedule you set here will apply.

Set up invoice scheduling for third-party organisations

  • Individual patient claims

    This automatically collates an individual patient's invoices for a specific third-party organisation.

    1. Go to the patient profile and click the Funding tab.

    2. Under Claims & Referrals section, click the Icon-Plus.svg plus icon for the relevant funder, then click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon.

    3. In the pop-up, configure these settings:

      • Paying organisation: Select the organisation that will be billed for this claim.

      • Schedule: Enter the name of your desired schedule. (Note: You may create your own invoice schedule in this field.)

      • Payer: Set to either of the following.

        • Organisation (existing invoice, same patient): one invoice for a single patient

        • Organisation (existing invoice, any patient): one invoice for multiple patients

    4. Click Save.

    Whenever you create an invoice for this patient under this funder, the invoice schedule you set here will apply.

  • Funder

    This automatically collates patient invoices containing fees under a specific funder.

    1. Click Finances > Fees, then click the Funders tab.

    2. In the list, click the funder you wish to edit.

    3. Under the Payment Details section, configure the following:

      • Payer: Set to either of the following.

        • Organisation (existing invoice, same patient): one invoice for a single patient

        • Organisation (existing invoice, any patient): one invoice for multiple patients

      • Paying organisation: Select the organisation that will be billed for this claim.

      • Invoice Schedule: Enter or look up the name of your desired schedule. (Note: You may create your own invoice schedule in this field.)

    4. Click Save.

    Whenever you create an invoice for any patient with fees under this funder, the invoice schedule you set here will apply.

  • Organisation

    This automatically collates patient invoices billed to a specific third-party organisation.

    1. Click Contacts > Organisations.

    2. In this list, click the organisation you wish to edit.

    3. Under the Invoices section, in the Invoice Schedule block, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon.

    4. Enter the name of your desired schedule. (Note: You may create your own invoice schedule in this field.)

    5. Click Save.

    Whenever you create an invoice for any patient where this organisation is billed, the invoice schedule you set here will apply.


An invoice schedule only applies to invoices created after you set up the schedule. It does not collate existing invoices retroactively.

Create a custom invoice schedule

If you need to create different invoice schedules, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Finances > Fees > Invoice Schedules.

  2. Click Add Schedule.

  3. In the Add Invoice Schedule pop-up, enter your settings:

    • Lookup (optional): If you want to create a modified version of an existing schedule, enter the Schedule name to import it.

    • Name: Enter a name for your new invoice schedule.

    • Invoice every: Enter the period frequency for the schedule – daily, weekly or monthly

    • On: Enter the day each period starts. (This option is available only for weekly and monthly frequencies.)

  4. Click Save.

Alternatively, you can create invoice schedules easily in the setup processes.


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