Send patient intake forms

When you send patients an intake form, they receive an email containing a secure link that they can click to take them to the form. After they complete and submit the form, the information automatically updates their patient profile in Halaxy.

There are different methods to send patient intake forms, depending on your requirements:

  1. Automatically send for online bookings (email only)

  2. Automatically send for all appointments via campaigns (email only)

  3. Manually send (email and SMS)


You must first set up your patient intake forms before you can start sending them to patients.


To prevent accidental overwriting, the secure link to an intake form expires if you send another intake form to the patient before the first form is completed.

Automatically include an intake form for online bookings

If you already have online bookings enabled, you can automatically provide an intake form for patients for any online booking. You can require patients to complete the intake form during the booking process, or you can provide a link to the form in the booking confirmation page or email.

  1. Click Settings > General.

  2. Under the section Patient Access, next to Patient intake form, click the Icon-Edit.svg pencil icon(Note: Make sure you are clicking in the Patient Access section - not the Template Settings section.)

  3. In the pop-up, under Online Booking, configure the following settings:

    • Automatic intake forms: Select Enabled.

    • Intake form preference: Select when you want to provide the intake form to the patient.

      • After booking: When the patient completes their online booking, an intake form button appears in the booking confirmation page. You can also add a link to the intake form in the booking confirmation email.

      • During the booking process: The intake form appears after the patient enters their personal details in the online booking process. With this setting, patients are required to complete and submit the intake form to be able to complete their online booking.

    • Default patient intake form: Select the default intake form template to send automatically for online bookings. (This applies to all online bookings by default, except for fees and appointment types with their own assigned intake form.) For a complete guide on how to create a patient intake form template, see this article: Set up patient intake forms

    • Send form: Select when you want to send this intake form email.

    • Individual intake form emails (optional): Select Enabled if you want to send a separate email to the patient specifically for the patient intake form. (If this setting is Disabled, the recipient only receives the intake form link in the booking confirmation page and the booking confirmation email.)

      • Communication template: Select the email template to use, which will contain the intake form link. (Note: The template you select must contain the dynamic term [Online Form Link] which displays in the email as the clickable link to the intake form.)

  4. Click Save.

Whenever a patient makes an online booking, they automatically receive the intake form according to your settings. The link to the form expires after your specified expiry period in the intake form settings.


Do you need different patient intake forms depending on the service booked? You can assign different intake form templates to specific fees or appointment types.

Automatically email intake forms via campaign

Campaigns are a Halaxy feature for sending bulk messages – such as announcements or promotions – to targeted audiences. With campaigns, you can run a filtered report that you can save as a mailing list, then send an automated email to that mailing list at a scheduled time and frequency.

With such precise controls, campaigns can be set up to send intake forms to new patients, even if your practice does not use online bookings exclusively or at all. By using campaigns, you won't have to worry about manually sending intake forms again, as they are sent out for you automatically.

Example: Create a campaign that sends a patient intake form every day to all new patients (those with only one booked appointment in their appointment history) of a specific location exactly seven days before their first appointment.

  1. First, run a report to set up your target audience: new patients who have their first appointment in seven days.

    • Go to Reports > Appointment.

    • Click New Report.

    • Add the following settings:

      • Report Type: Attendance

      • Length: equals 7 days before next booked/confirmed appointment

      • Appointments: 1 total appointments

      • Location: Select a location.

    • Click Run.

    • The report will display the current results. Click Save.

    • A pop-up will appear with settings for the saved report.

      • Configure the following settings:

        • Title: New Patients - (Location Name)

        • Description: All new patients at (Location Name)

      • Click Save.

  2. Then, create and schedule a campaign for sending your intake form to the target audience in the report results.

    • In the top right, click Set as a campaign.

    • Configure the following settings:

      • Name: New Patients - (Location Name) - Intake Form

      • Schedule Date: Enter the date and time the intake forms should start sending.

      • Email Template: Select the email template to use, which will contain the intake form link. (Note: The template you select must contain the dynamic term [Online Form Link] which displays in the email as the clickable link to the intake form.)

      • Intake Form: Select the intake form to send automatically for online bookings.

    • Click Repeat Campaign.

      • Repeat every: 1 day

    • Click Save.

You now have a campaign that will send a daily email with the patient intake form to the target audience generated by your saved report each day.

Manually email an intake form

If you prefer to have more control over when to send intake forms to patients, you can opt to send them manually as needed.

  1. Open the patient profile.

  2. Under the Contact Details section, check first that the patient has a valid email address. (If they don't yet, click Edit to add one.)

  3. Click the Icon-Intake-Form.svg intake form icon.

  4. In the Patient Intake Form pop-up, click the Email or SMS tab for how you want to send the intake form.

  5. Configure the rest of the form as follows:


    Examples of sending an intake form by email or SMS (click to expand images)

    • Intake Form: Select the intake form template to send to this patient.

    • Expiry Date: Select the date until which the intake form will be available for the patient to complete. The patient will no longer be able to access the form after this date.

    • (Email only) Sender: Select the practitioner this intake form will be sent from.

      • Practitioners have their own name selected by default. Practitioners with Personal Access do not have the option to choose another practitioner, and therefore will not be able to see this field.

      • Administrators can select the practitioner this form will be sent from. The selected practitioner will automatically be granted access to this patient's intake form once completed.

    • (Email only) Sender Email and Sender Name: Fill out with the required details.

    • (Email only) Subject: This field fills out automatically if a Template option is selected, but you can opt to change this.

    • Recipient: Select the person who will be receiving the intake form.

      • Patient: The intake form will be sent to the email address or mobile number in the patient's profile.

      • Other: The intake form will be sent to a specified contact, such as a parent or guardian.

    • (Email only) CC and BCC email and patient contact fields (optional): Enter any other email addresses or the patients' saved contacts you want to send the intake form.

    • Template: Select the communication template to use, which will contain the link to the form. Note: The template you select must contain the dynamic term [Online Form Link] which displays in the email as the clickable link to the form. This will appear in the Message field.

    • (Email only) Attachments (optional): Click Add File to attach more files in the email.

    • Message (optional): The selected communication template appears in this field, which you can edit if needed. Any changes made here are sent to the patient for this instance but will not save to the original template. (IMPORTANT: Your message must contain the dynamic term [Online Form Link] to include a link to open the form.)

  6. Click Send.


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