Intro to Halaxy for Patients

Welcome to Halaxy!

Halaxy is the system your health professional uses to manage your appointments and patient records. It's also your one-stop shop for keeping track of your health and medical appointments.

The Halaxy Patient Portal gives you more control over your own health record, so you can manage your medical record together with your practitioner.

By creating a Halaxy Patient Portal account, you'll be able to:

  • Manage your appointments online

  • Track your appointment history with each practitioner, no matter what practice or profession they belong to

  • Update your own patient record and details

  • Upload files (like referrals and clinical letters) to your profile and share them with your practitioners and other patients

  • Fill out clinical forms and questionnaires online

  • Track your health over time

  • Pay for invoices online using a secure payments gateway that encrypts your card, which means you never have to share your card details with your practitioner (please see our FAQ on card security)

  • Review your invoices online, including whether or not you have paid

  • Find a practitioner in Halaxy's online directory

  • Build a care team of different practitioners who can share your health records where clinically appropriate

In short, Halaxy lets you take charge of your own health record and update it whenever you need, ensuring you receive the best care possible.

Log into your Halaxy patient portal

Your health professional should have sent you an email invitation to join the Halaxy Patient Portal. After you've accepted the invitation and set a password, go to the Halaxy website and log in using your email address and password.

Once you're all set, you can now start managing your healthcare. Welcome to Halaxy!

The Patient Portal dashboard as seen by patients


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